Trance-Script #7

This is the first of two long sessions with Mistress Lola I had over the weekend of June 23 and 24. As usual, my editorial comments will be in this sanserif font, Mistress Lola’s words are italic, and mine are in boldface. Words in brackets are actions taken by one of us; underlined phrases indicate hypnotic triggers. We began with some pleasantries and a discussion of what we’d like to do.

                [Sissy Dani curtseys]
                Sorry for the delay, Mistress...

                Good morning, Sissified Sweetheart

                Good morning

                Quite alright dear
                I know I've held you up often enough waiting for replies to me emails
[Lola kisses]

Keep that up and you'll have me going blank...
                Going blank already?
                You make it too easy, sweetie

                not blank just yet...

                [Lola looks into those eyes of yours and smiles]
                Not just yet...

                I'd really like to go very deep this time or tomorrow...

                There's no time like the present, Sissified Sweetheart

                You always ask what I'm wearing...let me show you:
                It's a white camisole, ruffled panties and pink patent pumps
                A nice base to start from

                Very sissy....


                How much time do we have?

                A few hours at least
                And I have the perfect plan

                D             Oh good! I'm free all day until about 6:30 my time

                Good girl

                I can't wait...

                But first I must take a quick pic

I always enjoy the pictures you show me...

                As always, you are gorgeous!

                Thank you sweetie
                And it's very important for you to keep that picture in mind
                Picture me in your mind
                Keep me in your head

                Yes, Mistress

                And we'll begin our journey
                When you're ready


                Good girl, Sissified Sweetheart
                As always
                We start our journey the same way
                With that special word
                that wonderful word
                That word that calms the mind
                Soothes the soul
                and just makes everything feel


And, as has happened several times before, I began to repeat that word over and over, speaking and typing, until it became an unconscious thing. This time Mistress Lola let it go on for quite while, nearly one full minute, before taking over and deepening my trance…

                and deeper
                and happier
                the more you say it
                the nicer you feel


                the more your mind goes under


                the more that thick niceness
                inside your head
                fills your body and mind


And the repetition continued…until I was feeling completely hypnotized….

                Harder to type
                Easy to relax
                And watch
                And stare
                and follow


                And just


                to follow
                and obey
                Just relax
                chanting that lovely word
                That lovely nice
As your voice continues to chant
                Even further

                We're going to go on a journey, sweetie
                A  journey back in time
                A journey back through the years
                I want you to follow my words
                and picture them in your head
                oh so clearly
                Oh so crystal clearly
                So easy to imagine the words you read
                As we go now on a journey
                back in time
                Picture me
                In your head
                Picture me walking
                by step
                through a long, long tunnel
                A tunnel in time
                A tunnel back through the years
                Each step taking me
                another year back in time
                I'm heading back through the years
                Back to a certain time
                a special time
                When you were just 16 years old
                Sweet sixteen
                You remember being sweet sixteen
                Don't you dear?

                Yes, Mistress, that was 1968...

                So many years ago
                And as you picture me
                taking those steps
                each step back in time
                One year
                for each step
                until finally
                You see me arrive
                in 1968
                Picture yourself now
                Picture yourself as you were
                in 1968
                Sweet sixteen
                Picture yourself in a happy place
                Somewhere you have such fond memories of
                From that time
                And picture yourself there now
                Where are you?

                I am in my mother's bedroom...
                And from now on
                As I explain these memories to you
                You can just relax
                and chant that sweet word out loud
                and accept them
                Accept my words
                as your memories
                As you remember now
                being in your mother's bedroom
                Just you, all by yourself
                All alone in her bedroom
                There's a reason you're in here
                All be yourself
                A naughty reason
                But an exciting reason
                Feel yourself now
                holding your mother's clothes in your hands
                It's such a thrill
                to hold them
                to feel the soft fabric at your fingers
                Nothing at all like the rough clothes you're used to
                This is soft, and smooth
                And feels so light and sexy
                Sexy clothes
                Not like your clothes
                You've always thought
                "What would it be like to wear these clothes?"
                "How would it feel to put a dress on?"
                "What are high heels like to wear?"
                And finally
                With your mother gone
                and no one else in the house
                You're going to make those thoughts reality
                Feeling yourself
                putting on mother's bra
                around your naked chest
                Hooking it into place
                Feeling the soft silk panties as you pull them over your legs
                Feeling your cock getting hard beneath their silky sublimeness
                Sliding that dress on over your head
                You know the dress
                The one you've always been fascinated by
                And finally
                Placing each foot into a high heel
                Wobbling a bit
                Getting used to them
                Taking those first few steps
                Every so gently and slowly
                So unsure
                but getting used to those heels

                When suddenly
                You hear hands clapping behind you
                You turn around as fast as you can, trying not to wobble
                Behind you is a woman
                A beautiful woman
                The most beautiful woman you've ever seen
                Gorgeous red hair
                A low cut floral top
                Denim shorts
                High heeled boots
                She's smiling at you
                Applauding you
                As she says
                in a sublime British accent
                "Well done, little sissy"
                The word resonates with you
                It gives you a tingly sensation
                You don't know why
                But the word feels right

                [Sissy Dani blushes]

You blush
Feeling strangely calm with the stranger in the room
                Not afraid
                Not scared
                Not angry
                Just embarrassed
                at being caught
                She walks forward
                And strokes the bulge under your dress
                It tingles at her touch
                She speaks again
                "I can see you enjoy it very much"
                She smiles again
                "What is your name, sweetie?"

                I don't have a girl name, Miss...

                She nods
                "You're starting out on your journey, sissy"
                "You still don't know who you really are"
                "But we can fix that"
                "Do you like women's clothing, little sissy?"
                "Of course you do"
                "Women get the best clothes"
                "The sexiest clothes"

                Yes, Miss

                "The prettiest clothes"
                "You just want to feel pretty"
                "Don't you little sissy?"

...just want to feel pretty....

                "Of course you do"

                Yes, Miss

                "But you can't go around wearing your mother's clothes, can you, little sissy?"
                "It's not nice to wear other people's clothes without permission"
                No, Miss

"But don't you worry"
                "I'm going to give you a gift"
                "I'm going to give you your very own pretty clothes"
                "Your wonderful new clothes"
                "Isn't that exciting?"

                Yes, Miss

She kisses you softly on the lips
                You feel your body tingling with pleasure
                at her touch
                As she strokes your hair
                Much too short to convince anyone you're a girl
                Remember now
                the feeling of heaviness on top of your head
                As she placed a thick, luscious feminine wig on it
                Pulling it into place
                Making it look so natural
                Remember touching it
                Feeling the hair at your fingertips
                She gives it a quick brushing
                and gives you instructions
                that for some reason
                you remember feeling compelled to obey
                "While we're out, the only words that can pass those lips of yours are 'Yes Auntie Lola'"
                "Is that clear, sissy?"
                And you remember responding straight away
                Yes, Auntie Lola

                She smiled and kissed you
                "Good girl," she said
                As she took your hand
                and lead you out of the bedroom
                Out of the house
                and into the world
                For the first time
                as a girl
                The memories get fuzzy
                But you remember standing inside a department store
                The women's clothing section
                You remember standing next to the woman
                The one you know as Auntie Lola
                As she talked to the saleswoman
                You can remember the words so distinctly
                "I need something modern and exciting for my niece. Something contemporary, yet timeless"
                And you realise
                This is it
                You're actually getting your own girly clothes
                The saleswoman looks at you
                She seems a little confused
                She tilts her head

[Sissy Dani blushes]

                You blush
                You were so worried that she'd see through the disguise
                But Auntie Lola was adamant
                "Excuse me, I'm talking to you, not her," she said in a firm, but calm voice
                The saleswoman turned back, almost ashamed she'd been caught staring
                She cleared her throat
                "Well, I think we have just the thing for your er, niece."
                She held up a most beautiful dress
                Picture it in your mind
                The most stylish dress of the time
                You'd seen all the girls wearing them
Always wondered how they feel

Carnaby Street...hem above the knee...

                The dress you'd wanted for so long
                But knew you'd never get to try
                Until today
                "Yes, that will be perfect. Don't you agree, little niece?"
                And you instantly
                And without thought
                replied the way you know you had to

                Yes, Auntie Lola

                "And we'll take a pair of heels too," said Auntie Lola
                Pointing to a pair of stylish heels
                "You'll look so pretty in those, won't you niece?"
                And again you replied straight away

                Yes, Auntie Lola

                It was like you had no choice
                The words just came automatically
                As Auntie Lola paid for the clothes
                You heard the saleswoman say
                "Shall I bag these up for you, ma'am?"
                And Auntie Lola said
                "No need, dear. She'll change into them here."
                "Off you pop, into the changing room, little one."
                And before you even realised it
                You took the clothes
                And walked into the changing room
                You felt so strange
                Like your body was moving all by itself
                And you were powerless to resist
                As you took off mother's dress
                And shoes
                And put on your new ones
                Oh, how wonderful they felt
                How amazing to have such stylish, pretty clothes
                Such soft, sexy clothes
                That were yours
                All yours
                You walked out of the changing room
                And back to Auntie Lola
                You couldn't resist doing a little twirl in your new dress
                As she applauded you

                [Sissy Dani  twirls]

                "Oh yes, so much better, don't you think dear?"

                Yes, Auntie Lola

                "But we still have more work to do"
                "Come with me"
                She took your hand once more
Your memories are fuzzy again
                You don't remember the journey to the beauty parlour
                but you know it must have happened
                because that's what you remember next
                Being in the beauty parlour
                The one your mother would treat herself at
                Standing there in your new clothes
                As Auntie Lola explained to the beautician what needed to be done
                "She's never been one for makeup...she needs a full makeover, the works. She must look more feminine"
                And the beautician looked at you
                You looked away, hoping she didn't notice the bulge under your dress
                embarrassed in case she knew
                that you were not really a girl
                But she looked away
                "You're right, she does like kinda drab. We'll fix her up, don't worry."
                Auntie Lola smiled, and looked at you
                "Get in the chair, dear niece"

                Yes, Auntie Lola

                It just seemed easier to accept than to resist
                As you sat down in the chair
                And felt the hands of the beautician on your shoulders
                "Just relax honey, and we'll get you looking a million dollars"
                So you relaxed
                She made you feel at ease
                Even though it felt so strange to have make up put on
                To feel the foundation being rubbed into your skin
                Remember how it felt
                When she started polishing your nails
                in that most beautiful crimson shade
                Remember how funny it felt
                When the powder from the blush accidentally got up your nose
                and you almost sneezed
                You made Auntie Lola and the beautician laugh
                And you felt so silly
                But so happy
                Being in that chair
                Remember how funny the lipstick felt
                when it was put on your lips
                That strange waxiness
                As you were told to pucker your lips
                And how odd the eyeshadow felt
                But remember how you loved the mascara being put on?
                Feeling every lash being stretched and twirled?
                And finally
                When she was done
                You looked into the mirror
                And saw a beautiful girl staring back at you
                Remember you proud you felt?
                When Auntie Lola leant over and whispered
                "That's you, my pretty little niece"
                Your heart went all a-flutter
                You remember it so clearly
                As Auntie Lola paid the beautician
                And took you outside
                "Now you look like a niece worthy of Auntie Lola, don't you?"

                Yes, Auntie Lola

                "Come along," she snaps her fingers
                She walks ahead in front of you
                Down that very busy street
                And if she cares at the stares she gets
                She doesn't let it show
                And you of course follow her
                Remember taking those steps
                On those new high heels
                Remembering to go
                The more you walked
                the easier it seemed
                You noticed people were looking at you
                In a way they never had before
                You didn't dare catch their eye
                But you felt thrilled by the attention
                They were admiring you
                Checking you out
                Adoring you
                And it felt so

                [Sissy Dani smiles]

                Auntie Lola took you to the park
                And she sat you down on a bench
                and said
                "Have you enjoyed our day together, sissy?"
                Yes, Auntie Lola

                "Good girl"
                "From now on you must accept the fact that you are a sissy"
                "Not a boy, but a sissy"
                "And you must embrace it"
                "You will never again have to feel worried about wearing the clothes you love"
                "This is who you are"
                "My sissy"

       that my name?

                "Yes Dani, your new girl name"
                "Short for Danielle"
                "It suits you, don't you think?"

                Yes, Auntie Lola

                "The masculine made feminine"
                "Made right"
                "And thought it may be a while before we meet again"
                "You will always have your Auntie Lola
                "To look after you and take care of you"
                "Do you understand?"

                Yes, Auntie Lola

                "Good girl"
                She kissed you
                So lovingly
                So softly
                And then
                It was as if she vanished
                Your memories are fuzzy
                You remember going home
                Hiding the dress
                wiping off the makeup
                Hiding those new clothes away
And now, Dani
                You realise
                this is not a story
                But a memory
                Your memory
                Locked until now
                Released by me
                This memory is real
                This memory is right
                And this memory is yours
                Isn't it?

                Yes, Auntie Lola

                Good girl
                And now
                When I wake you on 3
                You will have this memory deep inside your mind
                Able to remember it crystal clearly
                As you wake in 1

                I'm awake, Mistress
                [Sissy Dani curtseys]
                Thank you

                You're welcome, sweetie
                Or should I say, niece

                I am whatever you want me to be, Mistress Auntie
                Do you remember that day, so many years ago?

                Yes, I do...but parts of it are hazy...

                Which parts, my sweet?

                I don't remember exactly what the dress looked like...but I think I have some pictures that resemble it...

                No doubt you do
It's stuck with you, and rightly so
Every girl remembers her first dress

I will look for them and send them to you

Good girl

And here I must insert some thoughts: Is this a memory for me? Yes and no…the images of being dressed and going shopping and having a makeover are very clear to me, but consciously I know they never happened—at least not at 16! Did Mistress Lola’s talents combine in my mind a lifelong fantasy and some later events in my life into a strong mental image of things that I wish had happened…and now can picture as having done so? I don’t know…hypnosis is a funny thing sometimes.

By the way, the picture I used to illustrate my remembered dress is one of the ones I also sent to Mistress Lola…perhaps even my memory of that illustration helped the creation of the memory!

                I am still very relaxed...but also very aroused...

                Squirt, Sissy, Squirt

                Oh....that was almost overkill!

                [Lola smiles]
                I wonder if I could make you so aroused you orgasmed right there and then

                I think that might still require some physical stimulation...

                Squirt, Sissy, Squirt

                But that was close!

                Squirt, Sissy, Squirt
                Squirt, Sissy, Squirt
                Squirt, Sissy, Squirt

       ejaculation...but everything else!

                I'll have to work on that
                See if I can make you cum on command

                You once told me cumming on command was not really possible...

                And I excel in the impossible

                Yes, I suppose you do...

                Good girl
                Remember, Auntie knows best

                Of course...

                Feel my soft hands petting your head

                Yes, Mistress

                Doesn't that feel so...

And again the repetition of that special word put me back in trance….

                Remember that day
                Back in 1968
                When Auntie Lola dressed you and made you over
                Remember now
                how she took you to your high school
                You were so embarrassed
                You were so frightened someone would recognise you
                But the scariest part
                Was when she took you outside the gym
                And said to you
                "Ready to learn the art of seduction, sissy?"

                ...yes, Auntie Lola?...

                You were so nervous
                So confused
                What did she mean?
                She opened the door to the gym
                And you saw inside
                the jocks playing basketball
                You recognise them right away
                You've seen them around the school
                What are they going to think?
                Auntie Lola took your hand
                And lead you inside
                The jocks looked up
                Oh how scary!
                But no recognition
                No derision
                Just a smile and a nod and then back to the game
                Your Auntie tuts
                "Oh no, we need more of a reaction than that"
                "Come on sissy dear, strut your stuff for the boys"
                You don't know what to say
                But your body seems to move of its own accord
                Your hips start to sway
                Your legs move one in front of the other
                Your body sashays along as you walk across the gym floor
                Hearing the clicking of your heels on the wooden floor
                The jocks looked up
                and this time you got their attention
                They watched transfixed as you moved across the floor
                You gave them a wink, but you didn't know why
                But then suddenly
                You heard a giggle
                And as you turned your head
                You saw the cheerleaders
                They were giggling
                and laughing
                You were so nervous
                Did they know?
                But then one of them said
                "Looks like someone knows how to turn a head"
                And you realised
                they just liked how sexy you were
                So you responded
                You pouted your lips
                pushed your chest up
                put one foot forward and smiled
                The head cheerleader came over to you
                do you remember?

                Yes, Auntie Lola

                And she gave you a hug and whispered
                "Wouldn't those boys be surprised if they knew what was under the dress?"
                You blushed, of course, and looked at her with pleading eyes

                [Sissy Dani blushes]

                But she smiled, and winked, and tapped her nose
                "Your secret's safe with me, sexy"
                She patted your back
                "If you like, I'll teach you how to work it more if you ever come back"
                You nodded
                As Auntie Lola came to join you
                "I'm so happy to see you making friends, sissy" she said
                And you knew then
                Like it or not
                Either Auntie Lola or the cheerleader
                They would turn you into a tease
                A sexy tease
                Who could never reveal what was under her dress
                And that started you off
                on a life of teasing and surprising
                Do you remember?

                Yes, Auntie Lola

                Good girl
                And that memory gets locked into your head
                as you wake in 3

At this point we discussed doing one more thing—making my mind go totally blank. I have no independent memory of this part of the session…truly, I don’t. Only this transcript lets me know what happened. It started with the longest induction we’d ever done—nearly five minutes of repeating my trance word before Mistress Lola began guiding me. I do know I have never been this deep in trance before….


                and deep
                and relaxed
                and blank
                What a sexy world
                of blankness
                It's so fun
                to be blank
                And you find
                that word Blank
                has an effect on you
                It's like the word Blank
                makes you Blank
                And with each time you see
                that word Blank
                a little bit more of your mind
                goes away
                As your mind
                goes more Blank
                As thoughts just fall away
                as you go Blank
                Harder to think
                Easy to follow
                As you go Blank
                So Blank
                and empty
                and happy
                and mindless
                Memories fading
                as you go Blank
                Going away for now
                Locking away
                as you just go Blank
                So blank
                and happy
                and mindless
                and the happiness
                drains away
                as you go Blank
                leaving nothing behind
                No thoughts
                No emotions
                So feelings
                No feelings
                Just Blank
                Your body limp
                and lifeless
                and Blank
                As your body will move to my words
                When I give it a command
                No need to respond
                No need to do anything
                But be Blank
                And now
                When I count to 3
                You will open a new tab on your internet
                and go to your blog
                Start a new post
                and return to this tab
                for more instructions
                and your blank obedient body does this in 1
                Now that your blog is open
                You are going to create a post
                with the following words
                I am a blank sissy
                Mistress has made me blank
                I have no idea I am doing this
                Blank is best
                Mistress is the best
                Obedience is pleasure
                and  you will write these words and create the post
                in 1

And I did create that post, as some of you have undoubtedly already seen. I have no independent memory of having done so…only the fact that it is there and the words in this transcript make it reality for me.

                And now
                When I wake you
                You will remember nothing of this time
                Nothing of this blankness
                It will just be a big blank part of your memory
                Remembering going under
                but no memories of this time
                just blankness
                You will be able to think normally
                and all other memories will return
                but this period of blankness
                will just be a blank in your memory
                As you wake in 1

And I awoke…completely unaware that ten minutes had passed. Only the time stamp on our chatroom postings told me that and gave me a hint of what I had done in the intervening time. It’s a remarkable experience to have ten minutes of your life go by as if you were asleep, but still operating.

With that, we chatted for a bit and confirmed our plans to meet in chat again the next day.

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