Beginning a new periodic feature--a few months ago, Mistress Lola suggested the existence of a magazine with her name, that she edited and that I worked for. And I created that scenario in a story. A few months after that, I designed cover for that magazine and sent it to Mistress Lola...and will do one every month from now on.
Last week, Mistress thought it might be a good idea to give my readers a sense of what the interior of the magazine is like, so here's the first article from the pages of LolaVenus, the magazine.
Tips for the Fashion-Conscious Sissy
Every girl asks the question: “What should I wear today?” And for the boy-girl, the nancy-boy, the pansy, the sissy, it’s an even bigger question—because her choices not only include the normal things a real woman would wear, but all the special things only a sissy would consider.
So, let’s start by considering personal style. What kind of “girl” are you? Are you an office-worker? A housewife? A waitress? A maid? A bimbo? Are you some combination of any of those or others?
Let’s start with the office girl. I presume that any sissy office girl is not going to wear trousers…even if her real-woman co-workers regularly do. No—a sissy wears skirts and dresses. What’s appropriate for an office? At one time, the answer would have been modest attire…but times have changed. A tight, short pencil skirt is entirely acceptable, as is a clingy top—even with perhaps a bit of cleavage on view. Sheer or black hose, depending on the season, and high heels are de rigeur. How high? Well, how high can you manage without stumbling?
Now, about the housewife. No sissy wants to look like the typical modern housewife—in “mommy jeans,” sneakers, etc. No, she wants to be the glamorous housewife of classic television. She wants to be Donna Reed or June Cleaver.
That means she wants a lovely frock with a bouffant skirt, floating over a couple of layers of petticoats. She wants comfortable but stylish heels and to be accessorized with a string of pearls at her throat. This housewife can be beautiful and efficient, easily vacuuming the rug without stumbling in her pumps, sweeping with elegance from room-to-room as she prepares and serves dinner.
The same is true of the waitress. The modern waitress is likely to be clad in a black top and pants with flat shoes….efficient and comfortable, but hardly sexy. No, our sissy wants to look either like the classic diner waitress of a by-gone era or the cocktail waitress at a casino or lounge. The diner waitress’s outfit is not unlike the housewife’s…except perhaps a bit shorter. It, too, floats over petticoats and it is highlighted by a pert little apron and perhaps a cap of some kind.
The cocktail waitress, on the other hand, is there to sell sex as much as she is to sell drinks. Her outfit would never be confused with street wear. It is short, low-cut, exposing flesh as much as possible. It need not be a Playboy bunny outfit, but it tends in that direction certainly.

If you…or your mistress…prefers that you serve as her maid, there are many options. You might wear a quite serviceable black dress and apron—but chances are you and your mistress will prefer to see you as a sexy French maid. Then your attire will be a short, low-cut satin dress with lots of lace, and multiple layers of petticoats. Your hosiery will depend on your mistress’s choice—it could be sheer and seamless, or old-fashioned seamed stockings. It could be black or even fishnet. Your shoes, of course, will be the highest of high heels in shiny patent leather. Naturally, such an outfit is quite unsuitable to most domestic chores, but a French maid is intended to be decorative than utilitarian—her role is to display her feminized charms as a demonstration of mistress’s power and control!

Of course, when we speak of decorative sissies, we must include the bimbo. Being a bimbo is more than a style of dress—it’s a lifestyle decision. A bimbo is demonstratively unintelligent with an intellect little above that of a not very bright teenager. Her interests rarely stray far from clothes and sex. Her one desire is to be beautiful and sexy for her mistress. The public image of a bimbo is a blonde with big tits, but neither is absolutely necessary. Often, if a mistress desires a sissy to be a bimbo, she will see that the subject’s body and mind are both satisfactorily altered to her specifications. Pink is usually considered the ultimate color for bimbo attire…although bright red and lame are also considered at times.
These are just some of the fashion choices you—or more appropriately, your mistress—can make. Next time, we’ll look at the prissy little girl, teen tease, and outright whore looks.
--Pretty Sissy Dani