Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Bubbles Troubles

Well, she did it again!

As most of you know, some time ago, Goddess Lola hypnotically created an alter efgo within my psyche--Bubbles. Bubbles is a bimbo, a not-too-bright, sex-obsessed bombshell. She exists within me all the time and, thanks to encouragement from Goddess, occasionally she manages to escape and play havoc. It most often happens when I am very tired or distracted.

Having had a very busy weekend, I was dead tired when I went to bed Sunday night and so, in the wee hours of Monday, Bubbles apparently wormed her way into control. Just as when Goddess deliberately triggers her existence, I have no conscious memory of what my bimbo-self does in these moments. She is not clever, but she is something of a trickster, and can draw upon enough of my intellect to do certain things on the computer--such as artwork or manipulating photos and posting to this blog.

Which is what she did the last two mornings, while my conscious self slept peacefully. (I suppose this is all analogous to sleep-walking in some way.) And you have already seen what she posted here.

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