As promised, here are some pictures of yours truly in my new suit in which I've edited and manipulated the images for specific effects.
The first I call "cleavage"...as I've subtly altered the image to create more definition to my boobs.
The second is "waistline"--I've given myself a digital liposuction to create a more attractive curvature.

The third is "more legs"--as I often do with images for captions or story illustrations, I've lengthened my legs to make them longer and sexier.

The last is, perhaps, the most ambitious. As regular readers know, I've been using a mask of a female face to hide the beard I currently can't remove for personal reasons. In this shot, I took two pictures--one with the mask, one without. Then I altered the unmasked shot to "put on makeup" as I've done with others sent to me by friends and acquaintances. Finally, I took the mouth and chin from the masked shot and combined them with the unmasked one. That took a lot of work, as the color of the mask is not close to my own skin tone and required extensive color balancing and matching. I'm very interested in your comments and observations on this one.
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