Monday, July 1, 2024

Holly's History, part 4

Pamela and Madame were together in the CCTV observation room, watching as Holly was prepared for the next step in her transformation. She was secured to an exam table, as Dr. Madchenmacher prepared an injection. “What’s going to happen now?” Pamela asked.

“I need to explain a few things,” Madame answered. “Several years ago, one of the scientists in our labs, a brilliant bio-chemist named T.R. Betticut, developed a new drug, which he called Metacalphate-X. It’s a fast-acting genetic catalyst, which super-activates the X chromosome in the male body, while not depressing the Y chromosome at all. Essentially, it brings out the latent feminine elements of the physical form—breasts, hips, etc. Over time, we have learned how to ‘tweak’ its chemical components to achieve precisely the results we want in each individual patient.”

“Fascinating,” Pamela said. “So you use it to make Holly into exactly the kind of feminized male I desire?”

“Precisely. And we can do it without surgery and in just 48 hours,” Madame explained. “Now, you asked for a very curvy body, am I right?”

“Yes—large tits, say D-cup, and a narrow waist,” Pamela agreed. “Hips wide, but not too wide; long, shapely legs, of course, as well.”

“That is what Dr. Madchenmacher has prepared Holly’s dose of M-X to do,” Madame noted. “It will also lighten the sound of her voice. Oh—and this should please you—give her a more feminine reaction to sexual stimulation. She will still be able to ejaculate, of course, but also be able to have multiple orgasms in a very short period of time. No more ‘wham, bam, thank-you-ma’am’ bed sessions.”

Pamela sighed. “That will be wonderful!”

“The injection should be taking effect right about now,” Madame pointed out. She activated the intercom. “Magda, are you seeing any results yet?”

The Doctor’s voice came over the speakers. “Yes, her nipples have enlarged somewhat and seem to be—yes, they are quite sensitive to touch. I suggest you and Pamela return this evening to see further developments.”

When Pamela and Madame returned some twelve hours later, Pamela gasped when she saw her husband. Though not yet at the full predicted size, it was obvious his breasts had significantly expanded and his waist was far smaller. Seeing their return, Dr. Madchenmacher approached the still sedated Holly and said, “Observe.” She lightly stroked Holly’s nipples and they saw her “cockette” react, growing larger and stiffer. “Yes, she now has a decided feminine reaction to many stimuli,” the Doctor noted.

“Will she be aroused by performing cunnilingus?” Pamela asked, breathlessly. “What about anal penetration?”

“Most definitely,” the Doctor replied. “One of the effects of M-X is to reroute nearly all of her erogenous zones to a female reaction.”

“When will she be fully transformed, Magda?” Madame asked.

“I estimate by tomorrow at about 9 AM, Holly will be physically everything Miss Pamela requested.”

“And what will be the next step?’ Pamela inquired.

“Then we will prepare her for her trip home with you,” Madame answered.