Monday, July 8, 2024

TranceCon, part 1

“Isn’t it great they decided to have TranceCon be a cruise this year?” Vera Demanden asked her sisters, Amanda and Sophia.

“It certainly is,” Amanda replied. “There are so many great places on the ship to scout out the subs!”

“Right,” Sophia agreed, “like this open-air restaurant. And speaking of subs, what do you think of that one, over there?” She indicated a young man of about 25, slender and lithe, dressed in a polo and khakis.

“Cute enough,” Vera noted. “But how do you know he’s a sub?”

“For one thing, no dominant man would be unattended in a place like this,” Sophia explained. “He’d have a coterie of subs—of whatever gender—waiting on him. For another, look at the color of his name badge…..”

“Oh, you’re right,” Amanda said. “It’s white! Only the subs got that color when they registered. Dominants like us have red badges.”

“True,” Vera chimed in. “When you sign up for a membership, you have to state if you’re a dominant hypnotist or a submissive hypno-subject. But I’m surprised a good-looking boy like that hasn’t been caught yet.”

“Well, it’s only the first day of the cruise,” Sophia replied. “Besides, if he’s still free, that means he’s fair game for us, right?” And she rose to sashay over to the lad.

“Oh, Sophia,” Vera chuckled, “ever ready to lay claim to a new conquest!”

Sophia was clad in a light-blue minidress that clung to her every curve. Though she was just past 40, she still had the figure of a 25-year-old model. She eased into the chair opposite her target, crossing her legs so her skirt slid even further up her thighs. She leaned over the table, so that both her cleavage and her scarlet badge that proclaimed her hypno-domme status were obvious. Now she had a clearer view of the man’s own badge. “Everett” it said.

Everett looked up and his eyes were instantly riveted on her firm, fair tits. Sophia smiled. “Hello, Everett, my name is Sophia Demanden.” She extended her well-manicured hand.

He gulped. “Um….hi,” he stammered, quickly adding, “How should I address you? Is ‘Mistress’ all right?”

“Mistress will do nicely, dear,” Sophia cooed. As her sisters joined her, she added, “We’re doing a hypnosis demonstration this afternoon in the theater. I imagine you would make an excellent volunteer subject.

“Me?” Everett asked, surprised. “Why?

“Well, we’re going to be showing off one of our specialties,” Vera explained, “and we think you’d be perfect for the role.”

“Yes, just perfect,” Amanda purred, stroking his crotch. “Now, come along, or we’ll be late!”


1 comment:

silkteddy said...

Oh My !!! OMG !!!! Sooooooooo BEAUTIFUL........ teddi