Thursday, July 11, 2024

TranceCon, part 2

As they entered the theater, the sisters had to go directly backstage, but Everett headed for the audience. He was intercepted by a lovely usher, who escorted him to a front row seat. “Mistress Vera, Mistress Amanda and Mistress Sophia reserved this for you,” she told him. He took the proffered seat and waited. After about 15 minutes, the houselights lowered and the stage lights brightened. There was a fanfare and the Demanden Sisters came on stage.

They now wore matching satin gowns in different colors: Vera was in black, Amanda in red, and Sophia in blue. Vera took charge as the host. “Welcome to everyone—even those of you who are here because your Master or Mistress told you to come,” she began. There was a light ripple of laughter through the audience. “Before we begin the main demonstration, I’d like to bring out two of our favorite hypnotic subjects, Alan and Peggy.” A handsome couple emerged from the wings and took their places by a pair of chairs. “Now, we’ve often worked with these two, so putting them in trance is quite easy.”

Amanda stood beside Alan, Sophia stood beside Peggy. Each raised her hand before her assigned subject’s face and they snapped their fingers simultaneously. Alan and Peggy each went instantly limp and were assisted into their chairs. Amanda said to Alan, “Stand and remove all your clothes.” He obeyed. She followed that command with “I want to see an erection, Alan.” Almost immediately, Alan’s cock rose to full attention.

Sophia spoke to Peggy. “Get naked, dear,” and the girl removed her attire. Sophia looked over at Alan. “I don’t think he needs that cock, Amanda. Do you?”

“Of course not,” her sister agreed and grasped Alan’s erection firmly. She pulled and it deflated, becoming almost invisible.

Then Sophia pulled a realistic dildo from her gown. “Here it is, Alan,” she announced, holding it in the air. She attached it to a harness and then buckled the whole thing on Peggy. The faux cock bounced obscenely at the girl’s crotch.

Amanda put her arm around Alan and guided him toward his partner. “You know what to do….” Alan crossed the stage and knelt before Peggy, then took the dildo in his lips and began giving it a blowjob. Peggy began to buck her hips and moan as though she were feeling every bit of Alan’s erotic attention in a cock of her own. The audience applauded at this demonstration of erotic hypnotic control.

Vera looked on approvingly and, at the right moment, said, “Spurt-spasm!” Peggy stiffened as if experiencing ejaculation and Alan visibly swallowed as though a massive amount of cock cream had flooded his mouth. “Now, sleep,” she said, and both of them collapsed to the floor. Vera gestured to the wings and two assistants came out to help Alan and Peggy off stage. “They’ll wake up in a few moments, happy and content and remembering only a terrific sexual event. But now, it’s time for our big demonstration. Ushers, will you please escort our special guest to the stage?”

With that, two ushers went to stand by Everett and then led him to the stage. When he reached it, the Demanden sisters surrounded him in a most dominating manner. Amanda introduced their new subject: “This is Everett Manlis. According to his TranceCon membership application, he is single and has an intense interest in female domination and erotic hypnosis. Is that true, Everett?”

“Y—yes, Mistress Amanda,” he replied.

“Have you ever been interested in being feminized?” Sophia inquired.

“No, Mistress.”

“Well, that might change today,” Vera noted, smiling. She pulled a violet crystal pendant from her gown and dangled it in the stage lights and before Everett’s eyes. As she did so, the stage lights lowered, and a single spotlight was centered on Everett and the three hypno-dommes. His gaze was focused on the crystal as Vera moved it back and forth, up and down before him. Without a word, he was being dropped into trance…and in a few moments, his eyes closed, his head dropped and he was deeply hypnotized.

Sophia gestured to the wings and two assistants appeared. “Help our little hypno-subject out of his clothes,” she told them. In short order, Everett stood before the crowd, naked, his hairless body gleaming pink in the spotlight. “As you can see, Everett is a wonderful subject for feminization,” Sophia noted. “His slender, hair-free form is already quite feminine!”

“Now, we will make his mind match his body,” Amanda said. “Everett, are you happy as a normal man?”

“No, Mistress, I would prefer to be a true submissive.”

“But my sisters and I do not want a male submissive,” Amanda replied. “We want a girlish boy, a sissy. Can you be a sissy for us, Everett?”

“I will try, Mistress.”

“That’s good,” Vera said, taking over. “But Everett is not a suitable name for a sissy. From now on, your name is Eva.”

“My name is Eva,” he repeated.

“And a sissy, no matter how girlish and pretty, cannot go about naked,” Vera told him as she turned to the assistants. “What do we have for our new sissy to wear?”

One of the assistants went off stage and returned with a very tiny bikini. “Ah, yes,” Sophia said. “That will do nicely.” The assistants soon had Eva in the skimpy swimwear, and Sophia noted that his cock was quite erect. “I think our new sissy enjoys his sexy attire,” she commented.

At that, Vera again displayed the pendant before him. “Wake up, Eva, our obedient little boy-girl!” Eva’s eyes fluttered and he smiled as he realized his new self. “Now, Eva, go to the ship’s poolside and lay out and get a nice tan in your itsy-bitsy bikini! We expect to see you with appropriate tan lines when you return to our suite before dinner!”

“Yes, Mistresses,” Eva replied and moved in a feminine manner off the stage and out of the theater.

Amanda turned her attention to the audience. “We would appreciate it if you all would, for the duration of the cruise, treat Eva as the sweetly submissive darling he now has become. Oh! And his transformation is not yet over!”


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