The attractive, 30-ish instructor turned from the blackboard to face her class of college freshmen. Natasha Foreman looked out over the fresh young faces, girls outnumbering boys by some four to one. Not surprising, she thought. Glendale was an all-girls school until just two years ago. Tasha had felt from the beginning that going co-ed was the wrong move for Glendale...and this new course, "Gender Identity," was her chance to set things right, if she was careful.
"All right, ladies...and gentlemen," she announced. "For the next 12 weeks, we're going to explore the nature of gender identity in American society, a look at what it really means to be male or female today. I'm going to break the class up into study groups, five to a group, and meet with each group once a week to go over your materials."
She pointed to a group of four girls. "Miss Schulz, Miss Walker, Miss Falk, and Miss Browne, you will team with Mr. Williamson; Miss Siegel, Miss Shuster, Miss Kane, and Miss Robinson, you'll be with Mr. Bailey...." and so through three more groupings.
She set times for each group's first meeting in her office. I think the male members of these study groups may find this to be more of a challenge than they expect!
As planned, the four girls in the first group arrived at Tasha's office a half-hour ahead of their male partner. Like most of the girls at Glendale, these four were from the high end of society, having been through all the classes and training needed to make them beautiful, poised and self-confident.

Tasha explained her plan to the girls who listened in wide-eyed wonder. Carla and Rachel were incredulous. "Can this really work?" they asked, almost in unison.
"Yes," Tasha assured them. "I learned some of these techniques from some old college chums; they showed me how well they can achieve our goals...and I've developed some interesting variations of my own that I want to try out."
Marcia and Lena were excitedly eager. "I came here because I wanted an all-female environment," Lena pointed out. "I was damned tired of the constant distractions from men staring at me. Let's do it."
Shortly thereafter, poor Albert Williamson strolled into the office. "Guess I'm the slowpoke here," he chuckled as he settled into the one remaining chair--a comfortable leather easy chair directly across from Tasha's desk. "What's the agenda?"
"The agenda," Tasha began, "is an experiment in role reversal...but the only reversing will be on your part." Albert raised his eyebrows in puzzlement, as Tasha produced a strange, flashing light from below her desk. For some reason, he couldn't take his eyes off it.
"That's it, Albert, just watch the light. It's specially keyed to be attractive to male brain-wave patterns," Tasha said, softly, methodically. "Just keep watching the light and listen to my voice. You should begin to feel sleepy about now; that's right, just go ahead and drift off, but keep watching the light....."
Albert woke up feeling strange. He was completely at a loss for where he was or how he had gotten there. He was sitting in a chair in a completely strange room. Well, the only way to find out what's up is to take a look around, he decided, and stood up.
And promptly stumbled and fell. For the first time, Albert noticed what he was wearing. It was a classic maid's outfit--black satin dress with a high collar and white lace at the cuffs, a frilly white apron, and five or six layers of starched white petticoats that made the short skirt of the dress stand out nearly horizontal. Under it all, he could tell he was wearing a well-padded bra, panties, a garter-belt, and black fishnet stockings. On his feet were black patent-leather pumps with five-inch heels. That explains why I can't keep my balance, anyway, he determined.
Albert had just managed to pick himself up off the floor and begin to mince his way carefully to the door when it opened and a woman's form was silhouetted in the light from outside. "Ahh, you're awake at last," came the familiar voice of Miss Foreman. "Attend me, Maid Marian," she said, and Albert felt a sudden shift in his entire body.
He was no longer awkward in the unfamiliar heels and outfit. He followed Miss Foreman with an exaggerated swishing mince, his hips swaying, his hands limp at the wrists. As he passed a mirror in the hallway, he primped in a mirror, noting the careful application of color to his lips and cheeks, the artful use of shadow and mascara on his eyes, the soft wave of the shoulder-length brunette wig on his head. He couldn't recall any of this being done to him....but he knew it was right that he should look this way: After all, he was Maid Marian, servant to Miss Foreman and his other mistresses.

"Tasha, he--I mean she's precious!" Rachel cried. "I had no idea a boy could be feminized so completely!"
"And, although he responds completely as a girl, he knows everything that's happened to him?" Carla asked.
"Oh, absolutely," Tasha replied. She turned to Marian/Albert. "Albert, come out and play." The man-maid stumbled slightly in his heels, regained his balance and answered, "I'm here, Miss Foreman."
"What has happened to you, Albert?"
"You hypnotized me and turned me into your maid, Marian. I must obey you and these, my other mistresses, or....
"Or what, Albert?"
"Or I will flunk your class and be disciplined by being revealed to all the other students as Marian."
Tasha turned to her female student-conspirators. "I discovered that, in order to make Albert's subconscious mind accept his subservient state, a little incentive was required."
She turned back to the hapless male. "Thank you, Albert. Attend me, Maid Marian." The simpering smile and perfect feminine poise of the maid returned. "Ladies, what's the one thing a man demands of you that you dislike the most? And what's the one thing you'd like from a man that he refuses most often?" Tasha smiled, as if she knew the answer already.
The four co-eds put their heads together and then answered, in unison, "Oral sex, to both questions."
Tasha's smile grew wider. "Well, here's your chance."
Lena was the boldest--she reached under her skirt and pulled off her panties, then pulled her skirt up. "Marian, dear, would you please service my pussy?"
"Of course, Mistress Lena," the transformed boy replied, kneeling at once and burying his face in the redhead's crotch.
Tasha gave another command. "Remember this, Maid Marian. The taste of pussy is the greatest thrill you know; as you lick more and more of a woman's juices, your cock will get harder and harder. As the woman comes, you will come. Even as Albert, you will remember this arousal and seek it out...but be unable to achieve the same release unless you are Maid Marian."
In response, Marian began to lick and suck at Lena's pussy even more urgently and soon, Lena was bucking and moaning in her orgasmic throes, and Marian, too, jerked as her cock filled her panties with come.
But the party wasn't over yet; as Marian raised her head from Lena's soft, wet thighs, she saw that each of her other mistresses was also ready to be serviced. Despite his having already come so recently, Albert/Marian felt his cock arise as he gazed on all these waiting feasts.
More to come
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