Hillary leaned in and kissed the store-owner full on the lips. "I think Guinevere is ready for her final processing," she said.
"Excellent! And you've blonded her--she looks so youthful and innocent that way! Is she entranced right now?" Lillian asked.
"Oh no--you're so much better at this than I am, or could ever be!" Hillary replied. "She's still operating on the post-hypnotic suggestions you gave her last visit. She acts the perfect sissy, but knows she's male."
"Very good--we won't be changing any of that, of course...just deepening it and making her respond to some very special triggers." Lillian whispered in Hillary's ear.
"Oh, that's priceless...yes, do that!" Hillary responded, enthusiastically.
"Guinevere," Lillian said, turning to the boy-girl. "Take this outfit to the changing room." With that trigger, Guinevere sank deep into a hypnotic thrall, taking the clothes from her Mistress and entering the room to try them on.
While she did that, Lillian sat at the console of the video programming system and input the latest--and final--set of commands and changes to Guinevere's psyche. "Now, you're certain of this, Hillary? Remember--the triggers will operate no matter who says them or where. It could be quite humiliating for the little dear."
"Guinevere could do with a little humiliation," Hillary noted. "As Gordon, she was an absolute boor. My friends will love her in this incarnation."
"I'm sure they will," Lillian agreed. "Ahh--here's the darling now."

"Pose for me, Guinevere love," Lillian commanded. And Guinevere took on a model's stance, thrusting her hips forward. "Wonderful--but don't make too much of that crotch of yours, dear. The bulge is already noticeable."
That reminder of her true male status only increased Guinevere's arousal, making the tell-tale bulge even more prominent. Lillian smiled. It was exactly the reaction she wanted. "Come over here to the screen, Guinevere," she beckoned. "Time for another fashion lesson!"
Once she was settled before the monitor, Guinevere's eyes and ears were filled with the final transformations her wife and Mistress Lillian wanted:
You are a sissy! Look at the word on your jacket! Every repetition of that word, every time you see it, your arousal will grow, knowing it refers to you! But you will not know relief or orgasm without a final trigger. Turn now to your mistresses.
Guinevere obediently turned away from the screen toward Lillian and Hillary. "Do you understand now, sissy?" Hillary asked. "You will be my sissy from now on." Hillary felt her own pussy grow wet as she watched her transformed husband shudder in arousal every time she repeated that all-important word.
"Yes, sissy," Lillian continued the mantra. "Like all of your kind, you are just a slave to your little clitty-cock. Every sissy has this reaction!" Lillian watched both her clients become more and more aroused--Hillary by the change in her spouse, Guinevere by the magic of the trigger word.
"Back to the screen, now," she commanded. And the orgasm-desperate Guinevere returned to her programming.
Ready to come now, Guinevere? I'm sure you are. The final trigger that will permit you to orgasm is a kiss from a beautiful woman. Only a woman's deep, soulful, lesbian kiss will release you. No other kiss will work. The screen faded to black and the sound from the earphones became only a soft hiss.
"Guinevere?" Hillary walked up behind her sissy slave. "Stand." Obediently, Guinevere arose and turned to face her wife. Hillary put her hands on the sides of the boy-girl's head and drew her close, planting her red lips upon the sissy's own painted ones. She had to catch the little darling in her arms as she collapsed from the power of her orgasm!
One month later, Satin and Silk Sissy was arrayed in white and pink flowers as Mistress Lillian officiated in a strange marriage-like ceremony for Hillary and Guinevere.

As the ceremony ended, Lillian said, "Now, little sissy, as the final emblem of your sissy status, your wife-mistress has a token of her love and dominance of you." With every repetition of the trigger word, Guinevere shuddered in anticipation.
Hillary was handed a small box and from it she withdrew a thin gold necklace. She clasped it around Guinevere's neck, revealing the symbol that hung from it, a circle with an arrow at the upper right and a cross below...a strange amalgamation of the traditional emblems of male and female. "With this token, I take you as my sissy, Guinevere," Hillary said, "and I ask those here assembled to assist me in making your formal ascension to sissy-hood memorable."
With that, the congregation began to chant "sissy, sissy, sissy" over and over, as they watched Guinevere's arousal build to a crescendo. Hillary raised her mate's veil and let her tongue plunge deeply into Guinevere's mouth, her lipstick merging with the sissy's, as the gathered friends and members of the city's kinky lesbian community applauded Guinevere's first orgasm as a full-fledged sissy, thanks to the auspices of IGR: The Institute for Gender Realignment!
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