[continuing the report from Dr. Madchenmacher]
Once Rodney's humiliating orgasm was complete, I placed him in a light trance and then summoned the guard again. "Take this one to the salon," I ordered.
[From the report of Ms. Evelyn, salon manager]
The guards brought number 175216 to me. The light trance Dr. Madchenmacher had induced made him very easy to control. "Have a seat, Rodney," I said, indicating the chair at my styling station. I began by washing his hair and applying a conditioner designed to make his hair easier to color.
Next I began the cutting and styling, fashioning a pixie-ish style with bangs. Once I was satisfied with that look, the next and more drastic step began. I bleached his hair to a pure white and then applied a base color of medium ash blonde. I lowered the dryer bonnet and left him to process.
As programmed, the bonnet also filled his mind with new thoughts: You love being blonde, being blonde arouses you...but being blonde also makes you ditzy and silly, a giggly schoolgirl, just like the images you came to....

Finally, when it was all done, I turned him to the mirror and proclaimed, "Look at
yourself, Rhonda!"
He gasped, even in the trance, for the boy face was gone and a beautiful girl gazed back at him. "Am I Rhonda?" he asked.
"You are," I replied. "Now and forever..."
The guard returned and escorted Rhonda to her next destination.
[From the report of Ms. Couterier, wardrobe mistress]
I was informed that Rhonda had been programmed to be a schoolgirl...and I looked her over carefully, to determine exactly what sort of "student" she should be. "Rhonda...what do you think are your best features?" I asked.
"My legs and my ass," she murmured.
"Then that is what we shall emphasize in your uniform," I replied...and watched her sissy-cock create a bulge again. "Strip to the skin," I ordered.

"You'll get used to those, my dear...by the time you leave here, you'll never be
comfortable in anything less."
With her faux boobs now firmly attached, I brought out a midriff-baring shirt for her to wear, one that clung to her new curves. Next was the skirt...a tartan pleated thing barely long enough to cover her crotch and ass. A school tie in the same pattern followed.
"You look lovely, Rhonda...certain to be a favorite among your more dominant peers!"
I summoned the guard and said, "Take her back to Madame Fabricantfille for final
More to come
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