"The club has consented to the exhibition," Jennifer told Nancy. "More than consented, really--when the members saw your photos of the delightful Lowla, they were actually eager to meet her!"
Lowla had become Nancy's most prominent model over the past month. Lyle had nearly disappeared beneath the wigs, makeup, corsets and frills that created the submissive lesbian model. Nancy's portfolio of images of Lowla had grown so large that Jennifer suggested a show, an exhibition of her work and of her control of the boy-girl that made it so special.
"But where can we have such a show?" Nancy asked. "No reputable gallery would handle it."
"Club Lesbos might be willing to host it," Jennifer replied.
Club Lesbos? Nancy thought. My god--that's the most notorious nightclub/social club in the city! Indeed it was, famed as a gathering place for the city's dominant lesbians and their submissive partners. "Are you a member?" she asked.
"Certainly, I am," Jennifer answered, "as are most of my friends. I'm sure I can convince them to sponsor you."
The dominant hypnotist was true to her word. Within another month, Nancy was busy updating the portfolio, enlarging the best of the Lowla portraits to exhibition size, and nightly entrancing Lyle to train him to be perfectly submissive by her side on the big night.
"Sleep little sissy," she commanded, and the crossdressed model lapsed into the deep trance Jennifer had first applied only two months ago. "Who am I?"
"You are my mistress, Nancy."
"Who do you love?"
"I love you and only you, Mistress Nancy."
"Who do you obey?"
"I obey you and all women."
Nancy had reinforced that lesson every night for two weeks, as well as training Lowla to handle bondage, leather clothing, and extremely high heels. She had also implanted a very special post-hypnotic suggestion, one she had not even told Jennifer about. It was to be the climax of the party and exhibition.

The afternoon of the show Nancy and Lyle were at Club Lesbos, as Nancy supervised the display of the photographs. Lyle was increasingly nervous, afraid that one of the workers would recognize him as the real model in all these alluring pictures. He wasn't sure which ones were the worst--the ones in the lingerie and negligees or the ones in the full sets of clothing. He only knew that just seeing them aroused him for some reason, though he suspected that was the work of Nancy's hypnotic treatments--and it was.
By six in the evening, the doors opened for the club members to enter. Nearly a hundred dominant lesbians came through the doors, each accompanied by a submissive. Some of the subs were true females, but a greater number were, like Jennifer's Dani and Lowla, transformed men. Jennifer made a point of introducing one couple.
"Nancy, this is Angela," she said, putting her arm around a tall, attractive woman with close-cropped hair, clad in a leather business suit with a red satin blouse. Beside her was a blonde with shoulder-length hair and a flowing floral print dress, perched on six-inch white heels. She giggled as she was introduced as Stephanie.
"Like you," Jennifer continued, "Angela had no notion of her dominant nature, until I convinced her to turn the tables on her insufferable boss. Stephanie is now her secretary and her slave." Clearly Jennifer had made a crusade of helping women like Nancy.

Nancy came in and again said, "Sleep little sissy." Instantly, Lyle's mind went blank. "Very good. In a few moments, Lowla and I will make our appearance. Shortly after that, Jennifer will announce the newest Lowla portrait. You know what to do when you see it."
"Yes Mistress Nancy," the entranced male model replied.
"Very good." She snapped her fingers. "Awaken Lowla and come with me." Nancy strode confidently back to the exhibition, with Lowla mincing a few steps behind.
Jennifer was already on the stage, before the undrawn curtain, telling the story of Nancy and Lowla to the crowd. "And now, the stars of our evening, Mistress Nancy and Lowla, the mesmerized model!" She gestured to the left and the photographer and her once-boyfriend entered.

As she completed the phrase, Lowla felt herself come violently, and then Lyle's mind took over. He stood before the crowd, completely aware of everything that had happened...and completely aware that tonight was Lyle's last appearance in public.
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