Here's a pretty straight-forward shot. In applying the digital makeup, I decided to go whole hog--blue eyes, blue eyeshadow, and a more pink look to the lips.

For this one, I went with my natural eye color, but the overall makeup scheme is decidedly pink.
I call this one my "Gil Kane" pose...the comics fans among my readers will get the joke. Here, I went with my usual makeup color scheme.
Finally, back to the blue eyes, but with my usual dark red
I'm really interested in comments on this. Does the hair work? Or should I find something more like my red wig?
Ok, I really like the blonde color for you!!! Absolutely perfect! But personally, I think I liked the shorter, more controlled, hair style a little better. But that's just me - and what do I know.
Love it,
Certainly if I were ever to appear in public--fat chance!--I'd go with something more in keeping with my age and style. (Though probably NOT the flaming red of my other wig!)
But I wanted to go with something that was a real departure from my "normal" femme self. It was this, or one with a teased "big hair" look.
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