The bar was filled with female figures--and a few male ones, like Gerald and Bob. Gerald knew that about half of those feminine creatures were really male...and it might well be the half who were most femininely dressed who were most likely to be male. Bob was clearly more comfortable with the whole idea...for he was the one who first hooked up with a patently dominant young woman who monopolized his attentions for the rest of the evening.
So Gerald was left alone at his table, his eyes playing over the varied inhabitants, when a lovely woman in clinging black leather slid into the seat opposite. "You're not sure about this, are you?" she asked.
"What do you mean?" he countered.
"You're not sure why you're here," she replied. "You clearly have an interest in transgender, but you're uncertain this is the way you want to play it." She gestured around the crowded room. "This is a meat market, but you're not interested in being just meat."
She held out her perfectly manicured hand. "I'm Teresa...most of my acquaintances call me Mistress Teresa."
Gerald took her hand, blushing. "Gerald...Gerry."
"Geri..such a pretty name," Teresa commented. "And I think you could be pretty...if you'd just relax." She pointed to the candle on the table. "I'm an expert at relaxation, among other things. If you just observe the flame, I'm sure you'll relax and find your inner beauty."
Despite himself, Gerald found himself staring at the flame, as Teresa's soft voice continued. "Inner beauty, inner relaxation," she said. "It's so much easier to find yourself as you listen to my voice and watch the flame." Gerald felt his eyes droop, trying to concentrate on the candle and Teresa's voice. "It's all right, Geri, let the flame envelope you as my voice folds around you. It's okay to fall asleep; in fact, it feels right to fall asleep and let my voice direct you."
Teresa smiled. It was always so easy--and yet so satisfying--to put one of these doubters under her trance. They were the ones who were so ambivalent about their true natures, their real selves...and it was so delightful to use her hypnotic skills to help them find themselves. "Now, tell me, Geri," she insisted. "Why are you here?"
His conscious mind relaxed and asleep, Gerald's unconscious responded: "I'm looking for a woman to command and transform me."
"And what is it you wish to be transformed into? A woman?" Gerald shook his head. "A little girl?" More adamant shaking. "Then what?"
"A sissy," he murmured.
Teresa smiled again. She so loved this kind of submissive...the ones with a very specific image of the kind of boy-girl they should be. "Would you like my help in becoming a perfect sissy?" she asked, already knowing the answer.
"Yes, Mistress Teresa," he replied.
"Then, open your eyes but remain deeply in trance," she said, watching as his eyelids fluttered open, a glazed expression remaining. "Come with me to my place. Is that OK?"
"Yes, Mistress."
"Very good, and every time you answer yes to one of my questions, you get closer to being a perfect sissy, isn't that right, Geri?"
"Yes, Mistress," he answered again, and she heard his voice get breathier and more feminine.
She took him by the arm and led him to the door and then down the street, all the while asking him questions, getting affirmative responses, and watching his own mind use her suggestions to make him act more feminine. His stride became a mince, his hips began to swivel, his entire body posture was girlish by the time they reached the door to her home.
Once inside, she ordered him to strip and she surveyed his naked form."This has possibilities," she thought. "He'll never look completely feminine...but he can be made to believe he does." She pulled out a pair of panties she thought would fit him and said, "Put these on, Geri."
Gerald pulled the silken garment over his hips and straining cock. "Now, look at yourself in the mirror, Geri. Do you see a sissy?"
"Yes, Mistress, I do," he answered, and his sissyhood grew, as did his cock.
"But not a perfect sissy?"
"No, Mistress."
She studied him again. "What would start to make a perfect sissy?"
"Smooth body, hairless body," he replied.

"Is that a perfect sissy?" she asked.
"Not yet, Mistress," he admitted.
"What do we need, Geri?"
"Make-up," he said. "A sissy always wears make-up, even in male clothes."
"Oh, this one really is into the humiliation of being exposed for the little nancy he wants to be," Teresa mused. "And until tonight, he probably never even realized it!" She passed her hand over his eyes, saying "Sleep," and he dropped back into deepest trance.

"Look at yourself, Geri, see the sissy you have become," she told him. "But it's not over yet." She picked up the bra that matched his panties and clasped it around his chest. "This is a special bra, Geri darling; it will enhance your femininity. See how your tits grow once it surrounds you."
And, deep in trance, Geri saw his flat chest become a pair of massive boobs, a pair of jugs that would be the envy of any woman. It hadn't really happened, but he would always believe it had, as long as he wore a bra. It increased his sissyhood, impelling him to be ever more feminine.
Teresa grinned as she saw Geri's lips curl into a smile, and the bulge in his satin panties grow once again. "Now you are a perfect sissy, aren't you, Geri?"
"Yes, mistress," the mesmerized boy-girl replied. "I am a perfect sissy, ready to do as you wish."
Teresa mused. What did she wish now? How should a perfect sissy behave? Well, this had begun as an exploration of Geri's hidden self-image--why not ask her? "Geri, how does my perfect sissy serve me?"
A look of lust appeared behind the hypnotized glaze of Geri's eyes. "I would make love to her as another woman prove that my maleness is subservient to my perfect sissy nature."
With one hand, Teresa lightly pushed Geri to her knees before her mistress; with the other hand, Teresa removed her own panties. "Then show me, Geri Sissy."
Teresa spent the night bringing Geri in and out of trance, deepening it each time, and teaching her the finer arts of lesbian love. By the end of the night, Geri was by far the most accomplished lover Teresa had ever had.
Moreover, Teresa used her hypnotic talents to give Geri an erotic obsession with pussy-eating, so that the mere mention of the word pussy or the smell of a woman's sex--especially Teresa's--would have the boy-girl's sissy-cock straining against her panties. And she made sure that Geri could have sexual satisfaction from all this womanly love--by hypnotically connecting his nipples and ass to his sissy-cock, she made the sissy able to come from manipulation of those more feminine parts of his anatomy, rather than the constant abuse of the male appendage itself.
In the morning, she again placed Geri in deep trance and inquired, "How does a perfect sissy dress in public?"
"In androgynous clothes that make his feminized state apparent to all who see him--or as a hyper-feminine, sexy, child-like creature," the mesmerized male responded, bringing to the fore all his past images of himself as he would have wished to be.

Bringing Geri to the just the lightest trance state, so that he remained submissive but aware, Teresa drove him to the local mall. The two beauties--Teresa in her usual black leather and Geri in this most sissyish of attire--drew stares both appreciative and envious as they strolled past the stores. Teresa stopped periodically to point out some outfit to Geri in the windows--usually something in the most outrageous of the boutiques aimed at high-school and college girls--and asked if Geri thought it was clothing fit for a perfect sissy.
If Geri answered "yes," then they immediately entered the store and bought it, after first having the humiliated boy-girl try it on. This was always accompanied by an admission: "My name is Geri, I am Mistress Teresa's perfect sissy, command me in any way you wish." At one boutique, the giggly salesgirl insisted that Geri prove her hidden maleness...and then took the sissy to the backroom to try out her pussy-eating abilities, at Teresa's insistence.
They returned from the mall laden with packages--all carried by Geri, of course--filled with an entire new wardrobe for the boy-girl, a wardrobe made up entirely of Geri's visions of the perfect sissy ensembles.
A week after that first visit to the TG bar, Bob returned. He hadn't heard from Gerald in all that time and he was concerned that, perhaps, the whole thing had simply frightened his friend off. Maybe Gerald hadn't really been ready for such a plunge into the fetish world.
He scanned the bar, looking for anyone who had been there the week before, hoping they had some knowledge of Gerald. Then he saw Teresa.
"Excuse me," he began, "but I'm quite sure I saw you speaking with my friend Gerald when we were here last week. Have you heard from him since then?"
Teresa smiled--a knowing smile. She looked around the room. "Gerald?" she asked. "I don't recall talking to anyone named Gerald." Bob was confused--he was sure this was the woman Gerald had been with as Bob left with his own "date".
"You're certain?" he asked.
"Well..." Teresa mused. "Perhaps my little sissy friend could help you." She gestured to the other side of the room and a tall, leggy thing in school-girl attire minced over in her white pumps. "Why don't you ask Geri?"

Her long slender legs were sheathed in white thigh-high stockings with lacy tops that revealed gleaming rhinestones as well. And her white pumps had six-inch heels on which she balanced perfectly, although they restricted her stride to a hip-wiggling mince.
The school-girl vision smiled and giggled as she toyed with pigtails and cocked her head. "Don't I know you?" she purred. "Bob!" she exclaimed. "It's wonderful to see you again!"
Bob's eyes widened with a combination of recognition. shock and--yes--fear. "Gerald?" he asked.
"It's Geri, now," Teresa corrected him. "Your friend seemed quite eager to pursue his goal of being a perfect sissy, once my hypnotic abilities allowed him to see that was what he really wanted," she explained. She passed her hand over Geri's eyes and said, "Sleep". He fell into deepest trance, unaware of anything until she brought him round again.
Teresa turned her gaze to Bob. "But you're no sissy, are you, Bob?"
"Umm, no...."
"No, mistress," she corrected him. She drew his attention to the candle on the table. "it was the flame that drew Geri in, just like a moth." She saw Bob's eyes gaze at the candle...and he fell into her trap even more quickly than Geri had. "Now what is your image of perfection?"
"B-b-bimbo...." Bob stuttered, as he felt his new life begin.
1 comment:
Please continue this story, I remember this from so long ago and got all hot at the ending!!!
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