Here are the pics from yesterday. They were delayed because I played with some new digital editing...basically, I worked with own short hair, but altered the color to my fantasy red (in the first set) and blonde in the second. Comments welcome.
First dress is the green sweater's tight, it's form-fitting, it's short.

Accessories are black headband, gold jewelry (including a new necklace), black belt, light hose, and black mary-janes.

I like both of these shots...the one on the top seems pensive, the one on the bottom has one of my most natural smiles.
Second dress is the very short pink checked dress. I think I've finally figured how to wear this to its best advantage.

Accessories are pink hair bow, pink scarf, silver jewelry, white belt, black pantyhose, and fuchsia pink pumps.

That last shot is really good, I think, with a caption something along the lines of "Can I help you?"
Over the weekend, I may put together a tutorial on how I managed to change the hair.
More pics on Flickr. I should be able to dress next week, including at least one new dress.