Sunday, August 26, 2007

Petticoating the Boss, Chapter Five: Stephanie's Fate

Angela handed a platter with hors d'ouevres to Stephanie and sent the tranvestized maid out into the party. Each of the guests was one of Angela's new group of friends, dominant women all. Each was accompanied by a slave--some, like Mistress Jennifer, by a submissive TV...others by a submissive lesbian companion. The assembled dominants applauded as Stephanie minced into the room on her seven-inch heels, carefully balancing the heavy platter.

One or two fondled her ass beneath the ruffled petticoats of her maid's uniform. The programming placed in her mind by Angela's careful ministrations permitted Stephanie only to blush at these indignities, and to giggle a provocative mock protest, "Oh, no, madame!"

As she circulated with the appetizers, Stephanie noted a single "man" within the room. He was securely bound to a chair in the center, with a business-suited woman beside him. Her eyes never left this out-of-place emblem of masculinity in the room full of women. Finally, Angela came up to her side.

"Interested in our little captive, Stephanie?" she asked. "That's His Honor, Justice George Marshall of the State Supreme Court. The woman behind him is his law clerk, Nancy. She has grown tired of his repeated advances and his never-ceasing male chauvinism--just as I did with your alter ego, Steven.Therefore, she has brought him to us, her dominant friends, to be transformed and controlled, just as you were. His 'change' will be the central entertainment of the party--and YOU will assist!"

Steven, hidden somewhere deep within Stephanie, could hardly believe it. Here he was, so recently transformed himself, expected to aid in the making of yet another helpless man/woman. It was absurd--yet his programming now ran so deeply that he gave no thought to the idea of rebelling.

Half an hour later, at the height of the party, Angela announced that the "entertainment" was about to start. "Stephanie, please go into the bedroom and bring out the tray of cosmetics," she said. The TV maid did as requested, returning with a tray laden with every possible item of the cosmetic arts, from foundation to false eyelashes. "Now, Stephanie honey, you will show everyone here the wonderful training I have given you by making George here into Georgia."

Forced to comply by the submissive personality laid over his own, Stephanie started to work on the unfortunate judge. She quickly noted that the man was NOT entranced...that he was completely aware of what was happening to him...yet, somehow, still unable to resist. Angela explained, "Nancy and I have not yet created darling Georgia's new personality. However, thanks to a remarkable muscle relaxant, she is totally unable to move. Hence, she is completely cognizant of the change being made to her appearance by the lovely Stephanie. Once she is completely female in appearance--and the humiliation of her transformation is complete--then we will create the new Georgia in mind as well as body!"

Following Nancy's instructions, Stephanie first shaved off the man's eyebrows, then the fringe of hair that circled his otherwise bald head. Though still young, George Marshall had never tried to hide his baldness, thinking it made him look older and more "judicial." Now, the TV maid applied foundation over his whole face, then began to make up his eyes with dramatic applications of shadow and eyeliner, and drew in high arched brows to replace the ones she had shaved off. Blusher followed on his cheeks, then deep red lipstick. The final cosmetic touch was the false eyelashes--long, thick, dark brown lashes that gave his eyes an exotic, almost Latin look.

Nancy produced the crowning glory: a wig of luxurious dark brown human hair, set in a shoulder-length curly style. She carefully settled it onto Georgia's bare head, applying a latex glue to hold it securely in place.

A mirror was placed before the now lovely judge so that he could see the changes wrought. Now Angela brought out the clothes Nancy had chosen for her victim, and she, Nancy and Stephanie dressed Georgia in them: scarlet lingerie (padded bra, panties, garter belt, floor-length satin slip); sheer black stockings; red patent-leather pumps with five-inch heels; and a form-fitting red satin evening gown, its left side slit to the thigh, revealing the black-hosed leg nearly to the stocking-top.

In short, Georgia looked sensational!

Now, Mistress Jennifer stepped forward and, following Nancy's prompting, used her hypnotic talents to create the new persona of Georgia. Like so many of the submissive transvestites in their little circle, she was to think of herself as a "male lesbian"--but in Georgia there was a difference. Unlike the others, in all of whom the feminine guise had been laid over a still inherent male personality, Jennifer endeavored with Georgia to do the opposite. "Georgia is the REAL you," she told the mesmerized jurist. "Your male identity, when allowed to exist, is the false one. So much so that you will feminine lingerie--and nothing else--under your judicial robes when sitting on the bench. So be careful, Georgia dear!" The assembled party-goers roared with laughter at Jennifer and Nancy's little game.

The newly created Georgia was released from her trance and turned over to her mistress. Nancy made the man/woman thank each of the dominants in the room for her part in the transformation, then the two beautiful figures sashayed out of the apartment.

That brought an end to the party and to Stephanie's role as a French maid. As Angela helped her boss strip out of the satin uniform, and Steven's own persona came to the fore, he began to wonder what her next ploy would be. What would she make him become next?

The answer camethe next morning, when Steven found another photo taped to his shaving mirror. Again, the careful programming did its job. The picture protrayed a young woman in a tailored business suit, the V of the jacket revealing her lacy camisole and the short skirt revealing her shapely legs, perched on matching kid pumps, to mid-thigh. The caption read, "Get dressed and go to work, Stephanie."

Steven moved in a trance to the closet, picking out the outfit that most closely resembled the photo. Soon, he was dressed in a red silk business suit, with short skirt and six-inch pumps, his black camisole showing beneath the jacket. The clothing impressed his new identity upon him--working girl, assistant to the new department head: Angela!

Without regard to whether or not others might see her leaving, Stephanie strode confidently to the elevator. A short time later, she was seated, knees together, legs folded beneath her chair, at what had been Angela's desk outside Steven's office. The intercom buzzed. "Stephanie, come in please."

Angela sat on the edge of her desk, dressed in a tight blakc leather business suit, a creamy white satin blouse beneath the jacket and black patent pumps setting off her magnificent legs. She smiled as Stephanie primly entered.

"This is your permanent identity, Stephanie. You are now my assistant as I once was Steven's. Your duties are similar to what my once were--with several important additions." She stood and crossed to the door, locking it; then pulled the blinds. She sat again on the desk, pulling her skirt up past her crotch, revealing that she wore no panties. Her pussy was framed by the black lines of her garter belt. "Satisfy me, Stephanie."

Her submissive nature now a permanent part of her psyche, the once-proud executive, now simply Stephanie the administrative assistant, kneeled before her boss and mistress and buried her face in Angela's crotch. Though deep within Steven's voice still cried out in humiliation, Stephanie could only think, "At last, I'm exactly where I belong!"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great story! Loved it, would LOVE to be Stephanie!