[Many years ago, there was a website for an attractive crossdresser who went by the name of LowlaTV. I entered into a correspondence with her and eventually asked permission to use her vast collection of images of herself as the model for a "heroine" in a story. She agreed. What follows is the story that resulted. All the images are of Lowla.]"Goddamit, Lyle!" Nancy exclaimed. "Will you stop standing there with your tongue hanging out and help me move this setup?"
It happened every time Lyle offered to help Nancy with a fashion photo shoot. One of the models would come out in her lingerie (or less) and Lyle--ostensibly Nancy's fiance--would stare as if such beauty had never been seen by man before. It not only delayed the activities Lyle was supposed to be helping with, it made the models uncomfortable.
Lyle gulped and grabbed one side of the backdrop and helped his photographer girlfriend move it to a new location in the studio.
Later that afternoon, after Lyle had left, Nancy sat drinking coffee with one of the models, a stunning blonde named Sheila. "You know, if you want to
really handle Lyle, I have a friend I know could help you," she said.
Handle him? How? What do you mean?" Nancy asked.
"Watch," the model replied. She picked up her cellphone and dialed a number. "Caroline, come up here immediately!" she ordered, then hung up.
Moments later, there was a knock at the door. Nancy answered it and a tall, broad-shouldered brunette was outside. "Caroline?" she asked.
"Get in here, girl!" Sheila ordered again, and the brunette minced over on her six-inch spikes that peeked out from under her tight, black, pegged pants, topped by a shimmering white satin blouse and a sort of chauffeur's cap. "Stand there!"
Nancy looked over the "chauffeur" carefully. There was something odd, and oddly familiar about her. Sheila smiled. "Yes, that's Carl--my so-called husband," she explained. "I got tired of his running around on me while I was away on assignments, so I turned him over to my friend, Jennifer. She specializes in using hypnosis to transform troublesome men into effeminate playthings."
"You're kidding? He's hypnotized?" Nancy was incredulous.
"Oh, no, not now. He's just operating under the long-term post-hypnotic suggestion that he must act like a girl and obey me." She turned to the servant and said, "
Carl's home."
Instantly, there was a shift in the stance and attitude of the cross-dressed man. He stumbled on the heels he had previously managed with ease and, when he spoke, it was with a male tone. "Sheila? You promised never to reveal this in front of anyone else!" he protested.
"And what are promises to a promise-breaker worth, exactly?" Sheila challenged. "Relax, honey-lamb, Nancy's not going to tell anyone your secret. In fact, if I'm right, she's going to have one of her own before long."
Nancy grinned in anticipation of what was in store for the ogling Lyle.
Nancy spent the evening at her computer, manipulating scanned-in images of her fiance. Satisfied with what she'd accomplished, she joined Sheila the next day to visit Jennifer.
Jennifer's door was answered by a somewhat petite little blonde named Dani, who escorted them to Jennifer's office. "If you thought Caroline was remarkable," Sheila commented, "that scrumptious little morsel is Jennifer's boyfriend, Daniel. Or was, anyway."

Jennifer greeted them warmly and inquired about the relationship between Nancy and Lyle. "How exactly do you hope to change Lyle?" she asked Nancy.
"I thought the best thing would be to make him as much an object of desire and attention as the models he stares at so much," Nancy answered. She pulled out a portfolio and pulled out some of the images she'd been playing with the night before. "I think he's a very good candidate."
"Yes, indeed, he is," Jennifer replied. "How soon can you arrange for me to meet him?"
"Is this afternoon too soon?" Nancy asked.
"Not at all."
Lyle entered the local bar where Nancy had asked to meet him. He looked around the place and then spotted his fiancee in a booth with an attractive older woman dressed in skintight black leather. Nancy waved and called him over.
"Lyle, this is Jennifer," she said, as Lyle shook her companion's hand. "I've already ordered," she continued, indicating the beer sitting in front of him. Lyle sat, took a few sips and settled in. Nancy and Jennifer continued their conversation for a few moments, and Lyle strangely found it difficult to concentrate on their words after a while.
"Lyle, look at me," Jennifer commanded, and Lyle found himself to compelled to stare into her deep brown eyes. "Lyle, you can feel your mind going blank, losing all comprehension of where you are and why. You only know you can hear my voice and you must obey it."
"I hear your voice and obey it," he said, quietly.
"You will also obey Nancy as you would me," she continued.
"I will obey Nancy," he repeated.
"In a few moments, Nancy and I will leave the bar. You will follow us. You will not protest anything we do to you; in fact, you will be sexually aroused by the control we have over you. Now, I'm going to wake you from your trance, but I or Nancy can bring you back to this condition at any time by saying, '
Sleep little sissy.' Do you understand?"
"I understand."
"Very good. Now when I reach "one," you'll be completely awake, but you will still do anything we tell you. Five--you're starting to notice your surroundings. Four--you're waking up, but Nancy and I remain in control of your every move. Three--you will love anything we do to you. Two--almost completely awake now. One."
Lyle shook his head for a moment. When the women announced they were leaving, Lyle paid the bill and obediently followed them out the door.
"Oh, that's it, Lowla, honey, purse those lips, let me see that pretty pout." Nancy directed the lingerie-clad girl with the long blonde ringlets. "Now smile for me--that's it."
Why am I letting her do this to me? Lyle thought. How did she manage to make me want this so badly? Every time she gives me an order my cock twitches again. And who is this Jennifer? Why do I want to obey her as well?
"All right, Lowla, that's enough for now. Sleep little sissy," Nancy said. And Lowla/Lyle slumped in his seat, completely passive and ready for new commands.
"My god, my pussy is actually drenched," Nancy announced. "I had no idea it could be so arousing to control a man that way."
"And that's not the end," Jennifer explained.
More to come