Monday, July 22, 2024

Hypno-Session: Bubbles the Lesbian Slut

Last Thursday, I had my latest meeting with Goddess Lola. I had expresed no special request (though I suspect Bubbles had), so this was all a total surprise to me.

The trance-script is here.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

TranceCon, part 4

“It’s time the rest of you matched your lovely face,” Vera said, as she took a box from the dresser and opened it.

Eva gasped when he saw the contents—a set of false breasts. “My god, what size are they?” he asked.

Vera held them up and shook them so the massive knockers bounced. “38-C,” she replied. “Just big enough without being ridiculously huge.” She handed them to Sophia. “Help him into them.”

Sophia stretched the neck opening so it would fit over Eva’s head and then assisted him in putting it on, much like a pullover sweater. She pulled it taut, making sure the tits were properly positioned on his chest. “There we go,” she said. “Let’s see them jiggle!”

Eva made his new boobs bounce and wiggle. “They’re heavy,” he commented, “but I like the feel!”

“Of course you do,” Amanda said, coming up behind him in an embrace. “You’re a submissive sissy—you’ve been longing for a nice set of knockers for years!”

“Oh, my, look at the time,” Vera exclaimed. “We’re due for the final demonstration in one hour. Hurry, ladies, get him dressed and then outfit yourselves appropriately!”

Sixty minutes later, the Demanden sisters were again introduced in the ship’s theater. They came out in matching mini-dresses, in black, red, and blue. As usual, Vera took the lesd, acknowledging the applause from the audience. “Thank you, you’re very kind,” she said. “I know many of you were here to witness our discovery Everett and his transformation to the sissy Eva. Well, now, three days later, it’s time for you to meet his final form.”

Vera pointed to the wings and Eva minced out on six-inch spike heels. He was clad in a dress much like those his Mistresses wore, but his was in an appropriately sissy pink. He smiled, blushed and waved to the crowd. Sophia came forward to stand beside him. “He is gorgeous and sexy, isn’t he?” she noted. “But his changes are not yet complete. Our goal was to create a male lesbian bimbo. As you can see, his body now definitely fits that description, but his mind does not.” She brought out the fateful pendant and dangled it before Eva’s eyes, until she saw them glaze over in trance.

“Eva, do you know what a bimbo is?” she asked.

“Yes, Mistress,” he replied. “A bimbo is a person who is not very bright and obsessed with sex.”

“Would you like to be a bimbo, dear?”

“If you and the other Mistresses wish me to be,” he said.

“That’s a good sissy,” Amanda said, joining them. “Now, I want you to empty your mind of everything you know that is not required to simply be pretty and sexy. All that is left is the things a bimbo must know.”

“Yes, Mistress, I have emptied my mind….”

“Good bimbo…” Amanda said, then turned her attention to the audience. “Of course, we don’t want the poor thing to be a bimbo all the time!” She redirected herself to Eva. “Eva, whenever you hear me or one of my sisters say Bubble Head, you will be this empty-headed, sex-obsessed playtoy. If we say Smart Eva, you will go back to being a normal obedient sissy. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Good bimbo. Now, wake up as your normal self.” Eva’s eyes fluttered, and he smiled.

“How are you feeling, sweetheart,” Vera asked. “Do you like being our pretty little sissy, our obedient, intelligent submissive?”

“Oh, yes, Mistress Vera,” he replied. “This is what I’ve always wanted to be!”

“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather be a Bubble Head?” Sophia asked.

Instantly, Eva’s mouth dropped open into a surprised “O” and his body took on a sensuous and sexy pose. He cupped his hands under his boobs, as if to offer them to all who watched. “Oh, wow!” he cried, in a high-pitched squeal. “It’s so nice to have so many people, like, staring at me!”

“Why don’t you give them something to really stare at?” Amanda asked. “Pull up your skirt and rub your little cockette!”

He immediately complied and the audience saw his arousal grow. “Now, turn and show off your luscious ass,” Vera suggested. He did so, bending over so that the fabric of his dress clung to the curves of his bottom. He wiggled it, lasciviously. The audience applauded and laughed with enthusiasm.

Vera produced a rather large butt-plug. She showed it to the audience and then to Eva. “Would you like me to shove this in your ass-pussy?”

“Oooooo, yes,” Eva squealed again. Vera raised the hem of his skirt, pulled down his panties and plunged the plug in. “Golly! That feels, like, the best!” he said.

The audience again roared with approval. Vera called her sisters to join in for a curtain call as Eva continued to squirm with sexual pleasure. A spotlight hit him and the rest of the lights dimmed. The audience rose for an ovation and the dommes and their male lesbian bimbo exited.


Monday, July 15, 2024

TranceCon, part 3

After the demonstration, Eva and the Demandens returned to their suite. “Time for bed, dear,” Vera announced, handing Eva a tiny pink baby-doll nightie.

“Oh, thank you,” Eva yawned, “I’m exhausted!”

“Time for bed, but not sleep,” Amanda corrected him. “At least not yet. Vera, you’re the eldest—I guess that means you get him first?”

“Yes, indeed,” Vera agreed. She slipped out of her satin gown and led Eva to her bed. There, she lay on her back and spread her legs, providing access to her pussy. “Eat me, darling….”

“Eat you?” Eva asked. “You mean….?”

“Muff-dive, dear…lick my pussy…make me come with your lips and tongue….” Vera explained.

Eva crawled into place and began to follow directions. He found he enjoyed it more than he imagined, the aroma and taste of Vera’s aroused sex was intoxicating. Soon, Vera was writhing and moaning in ecstasy as her orgasm washed over her. But she clamped her thighs together as her hands held Eva in place until the domme had experienced three more climaxes. When she released him, Vera told Eva, “Go wash up in the bathroom. Amanda will be waiting for you.”

Moments later, Eva entered Amanda’s boudoir, to find her naked on the bed. Amanda rolled over on her back and displayed her magnificent breasts to the sissy. “Come here, Eva. Your task is to suck on my titties as I jill myself to orgasm—multiple times.” Eva obeyed and lay beside Amanda, taking her left boob into his mouth. Amanda moved her right hand to her pussy and began to finger herself. “Oooh, very good, Eva,” she moaned. “Now do the other one….”

In a very short time, Eva felt Amanda shudder from climax. He stopped long enough for both of them to catch their breath and then Amanda guided his mouth again to her right nipple and said, “Use your tongue more this time, dear.” Eva performed as directed, first on the right tit and then on the left, as Amanda frigged herself even more furiously. After she came this second time, she wiped her juices off her fingers onto her nipples. “One last time, Eva….and now my knockers should be really tasty!”

With the added stimulant of Amanda’s aroma and flavor, Eva found his own arousal increasing. He desperately wanted to come, but knew he must not until granted permission. Finally, Amanda pushed him away and, like Vera before her, said, “Go wash up and then visit Sophia!”

Once again, Eva obeyed and found Sophia sitting on her bed, naked except for a harness and dildo not unlike the one used on Peggy in the demonstration that morning. “Kneel on the bed and put that lovely ass in the air. I’m about to fuck your virgin sissy ass-pussy!” Sophia announced. With trepidation, Eva took up his place and Sophia positioned herself behind him. She literally tore the panties from his hips and then lubricated her rubber shaft. She held his hips as she plunged the phallus deep into his ass.

“Uhhhh….oooooh!” Eva grunted then sighed as the cock penetrated.

“You like that?” Sophia asked. “Of course, you do—all sissies long to be fucked just like a girl!” She began to move in and out, in a primitive rhythm, the base of the harness rubbing against her own pussy and increasing her arousal. Soon, Eva was moving in time with her and moaning as each thrust seemed to go deeper within him. Sophia noted that his cock was growing erect. “Bet you wish your little thing was as long and thick as mine, don’t you?”

After screwing his ass for several minutes…and having at least three orgasms herself….Sophia withdrew. “Now, roll over and let me give you your reward,” she said. She began stroking his cock. “You see, whenever you please us, we will respond with a milking, letting you have a big of erotic satisfaction as well.” In no time, Eva’s cock exploded and Sophia caught all the cream on her fingers. She plunged her sticky digits into Eva’s mouth and said, “Lick it all up…sissies love the taste of their own cream!” And Eva discovered he really did.

“Now, clean up and return to your own quarters,” Sophia said. “Get a good night’s sleep—you have a big day ahead.”

The next morning, Eva awoke to a gentle tapping at his door. He threw on a negligee and opened it, to find the Demanden sisters waiting. “Good morning, Sweetie,” Vera greeted him. “We’re here to start the final stage of your transformation…and we’ve brought some help.” The three stepped aside and a fourth woman came forward. She was clad in a crisp white uniform-like dress and carried a large case. “This is Belle, the head stylist and cosmetician at the ship’s salon.”

Belle smiled and looked closely at Eva’s face. “Yes, he has a wonderful face for feminization!” she said. She strode in and went straight to the room’s vanity and set down her case, opening it to reveal a full kit of cosmetics and brushes. “Now, come here, Eva,” she called. “We have lots of work to do.”

Eva sat in the vanity chair. The sisters took seats around the room, but before Belle could begin, Amanda got up and stood before Eva with the pendant. “Sleep,” she said and Eva’s eyes glazed over in trance. “Observe and remember everything Belle does. From now on, you will be required to do it for yourself.” Amanda stepped back and let Belle take over.

Belle began by cleansing and exfoliating, then began applying foundation, choosing one that closely matched Eva’s own skintone. “I don’t think we’ll need contouring,” she said as she worked. “He already has very fine, very girlish bone structure.” She moved on to trimming and shaping his eyebrows into a modern, but feminine style. Next, she started defining his eyes, beginning with a highlighting tone in pale blue under his brow ridge. Then she applied a darker, deeper shade of blue to his eyelids, sweeping the color in a wing-like shape to the outside.

Belle followed the eye color with black eyeliner, just enough to make his eyes seem larger, wider, rounder. Next she applied false lashes, lush thick ones on the upper lids and spiky ones on the lower. The final touch on the eyes was using the lash curler. That was followed by making his lips into a pretty pout with hot pink lipstick and a coating of gloss, for an inviting moist appearance.

She picked out a rosy blush to apply to the high points of his cheek bones. “Every sissy should have a lovely look of embarrassment and humiliation at all times,” Belle observed.

She opened another box and revealed a wig in honey blonde with highlights. It was just a little more than chin-length and slightly curled. “I think that’s cute, don’t you?” she asked the Demandens. “Of course, in a few months when his hair has grown out, you can choose a color and style for it.”

Amanda produced the pendant and again dangled it in Eva’s eyes. “Wake up, dear,” she said and his eyelids fluttered with their new lashes. “What do you think?”

“I’m gorgeous,” Eva exclsimed, “and really girlish!”

“And we’re not done yet,” Vera said.


Thursday, July 11, 2024

TranceCon, part 2

As they entered the theater, the sisters had to go directly backstage, but Everett headed for the audience. He was intercepted by a lovely usher, who escorted him to a front row seat. “Mistress Vera, Mistress Amanda and Mistress Sophia reserved this for you,” she told him. He took the proffered seat and waited. After about 15 minutes, the houselights lowered and the stage lights brightened. There was a fanfare and the Demanden Sisters came on stage.

They now wore matching satin gowns in different colors: Vera was in black, Amanda in red, and Sophia in blue. Vera took charge as the host. “Welcome to everyone—even those of you who are here because your Master or Mistress told you to come,” she began. There was a light ripple of laughter through the audience. “Before we begin the main demonstration, I’d like to bring out two of our favorite hypnotic subjects, Alan and Peggy.” A handsome couple emerged from the wings and took their places by a pair of chairs. “Now, we’ve often worked with these two, so putting them in trance is quite easy.”

Amanda stood beside Alan, Sophia stood beside Peggy. Each raised her hand before her assigned subject’s face and they snapped their fingers simultaneously. Alan and Peggy each went instantly limp and were assisted into their chairs. Amanda said to Alan, “Stand and remove all your clothes.” He obeyed. She followed that command with “I want to see an erection, Alan.” Almost immediately, Alan’s cock rose to full attention.

Sophia spoke to Peggy. “Get naked, dear,” and the girl removed her attire. Sophia looked over at Alan. “I don’t think he needs that cock, Amanda. Do you?”

“Of course not,” her sister agreed and grasped Alan’s erection firmly. She pulled and it deflated, becoming almost invisible.

Then Sophia pulled a realistic dildo from her gown. “Here it is, Alan,” she announced, holding it in the air. She attached it to a harness and then buckled the whole thing on Peggy. The faux cock bounced obscenely at the girl’s crotch.

Amanda put her arm around Alan and guided him toward his partner. “You know what to do….” Alan crossed the stage and knelt before Peggy, then took the dildo in his lips and began giving it a blowjob. Peggy began to buck her hips and moan as though she were feeling every bit of Alan’s erotic attention in a cock of her own. The audience applauded at this demonstration of erotic hypnotic control.

Vera looked on approvingly and, at the right moment, said, “Spurt-spasm!” Peggy stiffened as if experiencing ejaculation and Alan visibly swallowed as though a massive amount of cock cream had flooded his mouth. “Now, sleep,” she said, and both of them collapsed to the floor. Vera gestured to the wings and two assistants came out to help Alan and Peggy off stage. “They’ll wake up in a few moments, happy and content and remembering only a terrific sexual event. But now, it’s time for our big demonstration. Ushers, will you please escort our special guest to the stage?”

With that, two ushers went to stand by Everett and then led him to the stage. When he reached it, the Demanden sisters surrounded him in a most dominating manner. Amanda introduced their new subject: “This is Everett Manlis. According to his TranceCon membership application, he is single and has an intense interest in female domination and erotic hypnosis. Is that true, Everett?”

“Y—yes, Mistress Amanda,” he replied.

“Have you ever been interested in being feminized?” Sophia inquired.

“No, Mistress.”

“Well, that might change today,” Vera noted, smiling. She pulled a violet crystal pendant from her gown and dangled it in the stage lights and before Everett’s eyes. As she did so, the stage lights lowered, and a single spotlight was centered on Everett and the three hypno-dommes. His gaze was focused on the crystal as Vera moved it back and forth, up and down before him. Without a word, he was being dropped into trance…and in a few moments, his eyes closed, his head dropped and he was deeply hypnotized.

Sophia gestured to the wings and two assistants appeared. “Help our little hypno-subject out of his clothes,” she told them. In short order, Everett stood before the crowd, naked, his hairless body gleaming pink in the spotlight. “As you can see, Everett is a wonderful subject for feminization,” Sophia noted. “His slender, hair-free form is already quite feminine!”

“Now, we will make his mind match his body,” Amanda said. “Everett, are you happy as a normal man?”

“No, Mistress, I would prefer to be a true submissive.”

“But my sisters and I do not want a male submissive,” Amanda replied. “We want a girlish boy, a sissy. Can you be a sissy for us, Everett?”

“I will try, Mistress.”

“That’s good,” Vera said, taking over. “But Everett is not a suitable name for a sissy. From now on, your name is Eva.”

“My name is Eva,” he repeated.

“And a sissy, no matter how girlish and pretty, cannot go about naked,” Vera told him as she turned to the assistants. “What do we have for our new sissy to wear?”

One of the assistants went off stage and returned with a very tiny bikini. “Ah, yes,” Sophia said. “That will do nicely.” The assistants soon had Eva in the skimpy swimwear, and Sophia noted that his cock was quite erect. “I think our new sissy enjoys his sexy attire,” she commented.

At that, Vera again displayed the pendant before him. “Wake up, Eva, our obedient little boy-girl!” Eva’s eyes fluttered and he smiled as he realized his new self. “Now, Eva, go to the ship’s poolside and lay out and get a nice tan in your itsy-bitsy bikini! We expect to see you with appropriate tan lines when you return to our suite before dinner!”

“Yes, Mistresses,” Eva replied and moved in a feminine manner off the stage and out of the theater.

Amanda turned her attention to the audience. “We would appreciate it if you all would, for the duration of the cruise, treat Eva as the sweetly submissive darling he now has become. Oh! And his transformation is not yet over!”


Monday, July 8, 2024

TranceCon, part 1

“Isn’t it great they decided to have TranceCon be a cruise this year?” Vera Demanden asked her sisters, Amanda and Sophia.

“It certainly is,” Amanda replied. “There are so many great places on the ship to scout out the subs!”

“Right,” Sophia agreed, “like this open-air restaurant. And speaking of subs, what do you think of that one, over there?” She indicated a young man of about 25, slender and lithe, dressed in a polo and khakis.

“Cute enough,” Vera noted. “But how do you know he’s a sub?”

“For one thing, no dominant man would be unattended in a place like this,” Sophia explained. “He’d have a coterie of subs—of whatever gender—waiting on him. For another, look at the color of his name badge…..”

“Oh, you’re right,” Amanda said. “It’s white! Only the subs got that color when they registered. Dominants like us have red badges.”

“True,” Vera chimed in. “When you sign up for a membership, you have to state if you’re a dominant hypnotist or a submissive hypno-subject. But I’m surprised a good-looking boy like that hasn’t been caught yet.”

“Well, it’s only the first day of the cruise,” Sophia replied. “Besides, if he’s still free, that means he’s fair game for us, right?” And she rose to sashay over to the lad.

“Oh, Sophia,” Vera chuckled, “ever ready to lay claim to a new conquest!”

Sophia was clad in a light-blue minidress that clung to her every curve. Though she was just past 40, she still had the figure of a 25-year-old model. She eased into the chair opposite her target, crossing her legs so her skirt slid even further up her thighs. She leaned over the table, so that both her cleavage and her scarlet badge that proclaimed her hypno-domme status were obvious. Now she had a clearer view of the man’s own badge. “Everett” it said.

Everett looked up and his eyes were instantly riveted on her firm, fair tits. Sophia smiled. “Hello, Everett, my name is Sophia Demanden.” She extended her well-manicured hand.

He gulped. “Um….hi,” he stammered, quickly adding, “How should I address you? Is ‘Mistress’ all right?”

“Mistress will do nicely, dear,” Sophia cooed. As her sisters joined her, she added, “We’re doing a hypnosis demonstration this afternoon in the theater. I imagine you would make an excellent volunteer subject.

“Me?” Everett asked, surprised. “Why?

“Well, we’re going to be showing off one of our specialties,” Vera explained, “and we think you’d be perfect for the role.”

“Yes, just perfect,” Amanda purred, stroking his crotch. “Now, come along, or we’ll be late!”


Friday, July 5, 2024

Holly's History, part 5

Pamela returned the next morning and Christine escorted her to Holly’s quarters. They entered and Pamela gasped, “Oh my!” Holly stood naked in the center of the room as the Foundation fashion staff measured for her a custom outfit for her return home. Her breasts were now a firm and perky 36-D, with apparently permanently erect nipples. Her waist measured a mere 23 inches and her hips were 36 inches, with a nice round, bouncy bottom. Her 38-inch legs were smooth and shapely.

Thanks to the vibrator buzzing in her ass, her cockette—not reduced one bit by the effects of Metacalphalate-X—was at full attention. Madame Fabricantfille and Dr. Madchenmacher rose to greet Pamela. “What do you think of our little creation, dear?” the Doctor asked.

“I’m astonished!” Pamela replied. “If it weren’t that I still recognize her face, I’d never have known this beauty was my husband—I mean, my wife!”

“More than her outward appearance has been altered,” Madame noted. “Holly, come greet your spouse.”

Holly minced forward and threw her arms around Pamela’s neck. She kissed passionately, plunging her tongue deep into Pamela’s mouth. Then she slowly sank to her knees, wiggling sensuously against Pamela’s body, until her mouth was level with her spouse’s crotch. Holly lifted the hem of Pamela’s skirt, finding her unclad pussy, and began sucking and licking eagerly. Pamela moaned in response. “Oh, oh, ooooooh,” Pamela sighed. “When did she learn to do this?”

“All part of the program,” Madame answered. “When you requested a male lesbian, it was automatically included in her hypnotic conditioning. Speaking of which—Christine, isn’t It time for Holly’s salon appointment?”

“Oh, yes, Madame!” the sissy maid responded. She got a robe and wrapped it around Holly.

“Wait!” Madame gazed into Holly’s eyes. “Sleep, sleep, sleep…..” and Holly’s eyes glazed over in trance. “You will pay close attention to what the stylists do and remember it, because it will be part of your daily routine from now on.”

“May I go and observe her in the salon?” Pamela asked.

“Of course,” Dr. Madchenmacher said.

So it was that Pamela watched and found herself growing quite warm and wet as her once-masculine spouse was made beautiful in face as well as body. As they completed their work with foundation, eye makeup, blush, and lipstick, one of them produced a wavy wig in dark blonde. “She’ll have to wear this until the final stage of the M-X effects,” a stylist explained. “In about two weeks, her hair will be long enough to be set, styled and colored.”

With the wig in place, Holly was escorted back to her quarters, where Madame and the Doctor awaited. “Time for our liebchen to be appropriately dressed,” the Doctor pronounced. It began with a lacy black garter belt, followed by a matching pair of panties. Next was a push-up bra that created a sexy cleavage. Holly sat as the staff pulled sheer hose up her legs and attached them tautly to the tabs of the garter belt. Her shoes were black sandals with five-inch heels.

The finishing touch was a little black dress, that displayed her impressive knockers and her long, sensuous legs. Pamela was breathing heavily by the time it was all over.

Madame again gazed at Holly. “Awake,” she said, and Holly’s eyes fluttered and then went wide.

“Oh, Miss Pamela, thank you so much for this!” she exclaimed.

“Come home with me now, and you can thank me properly,” Pamela said, smiling. They were led to the entrance and sped off for home. Once there, Pemela took Holly directly to the bedroom. “Get out of that dress, you little minx! Watching you prance around has gotten me quite hot. Help me out of my frock.” Holly did as ordered and Pamela lay on the bed, legs spread. “I need a good muff-dive, Sweetie….and if you do a really superb job, I’ll give you one of the milkings Dr. Madchenmacher says you should receive periodically.”


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Fourth

Once again, I represent my annual Fourth of July piece, first seen in 2011:

Last week I got into a somewhat heated discussion with my wife about the story of NBC Sports "editing" the Pledge of Allegiance in a patriotic montage they used in their coverage of the US Open. (They took out the part where the class of kids said "under God".) I argued that we had made a fetish of this piece of much-edited 19th Century doggerel ("under God" was added in the 1950s, "indivisible" sometime before that) and that I would much rather our schoolkids memorized something with real meaning to our nation's values. Asked what that should be, I responded, "How about the Preamble to the Constitution?" I think that is something schoolkids should recite every morning, rather than an oath of allegiance to a piece of cloth.

Well, we're coming up on Independence Day, so I went looking for something to celebrate with here. I'd have loved to find the musical version of the Preamble I sang in Junior High School chorus (but all I could find was the Schoolhouse Rock song--it's cute, but doesn't have the drama of the one we sang). Instead, here's a little kitsch...William Shatner as James Kirk, from the Star Trek episode "The Omega Glory". Like anything Shatner does, it's a touch over the top, but....

Happy Fourth to you all

Monday, July 1, 2024

Holly's History, part 4

Pamela and Madame were together in the CCTV observation room, watching as Holly was prepared for the next step in her transformation. She was secured to an exam table, as Dr. Madchenmacher prepared an injection. “What’s going to happen now?” Pamela asked.

“I need to explain a few things,” Madame answered. “Several years ago, one of the scientists in our labs, a brilliant bio-chemist named T.R. Betticut, developed a new drug, which he called Metacalphate-X. It’s a fast-acting genetic catalyst, which super-activates the X chromosome in the male body, while not depressing the Y chromosome at all. Essentially, it brings out the latent feminine elements of the physical form—breasts, hips, etc. Over time, we have learned how to ‘tweak’ its chemical components to achieve precisely the results we want in each individual patient.”

“Fascinating,” Pamela said. “So you use it to make Holly into exactly the kind of feminized male I desire?”

“Precisely. And we can do it without surgery and in just 48 hours,” Madame explained. “Now, you asked for a very curvy body, am I right?”

“Yes—large tits, say D-cup, and a narrow waist,” Pamela agreed. “Hips wide, but not too wide; long, shapely legs, of course, as well.”

“That is what Dr. Madchenmacher has prepared Holly’s dose of M-X to do,” Madame noted. “It will also lighten the sound of her voice. Oh—and this should please you—give her a more feminine reaction to sexual stimulation. She will still be able to ejaculate, of course, but also be able to have multiple orgasms in a very short period of time. No more ‘wham, bam, thank-you-ma’am’ bed sessions.”

Pamela sighed. “That will be wonderful!”

“The injection should be taking effect right about now,” Madame pointed out. She activated the intercom. “Magda, are you seeing any results yet?”

The Doctor’s voice came over the speakers. “Yes, her nipples have enlarged somewhat and seem to be—yes, they are quite sensitive to touch. I suggest you and Pamela return this evening to see further developments.”

When Pamela and Madame returned some twelve hours later, Pamela gasped when she saw her husband. Though not yet at the full predicted size, it was obvious his breasts had significantly expanded and his waist was far smaller. Seeing their return, Dr. Madchenmacher approached the still sedated Holly and said, “Observe.” She lightly stroked Holly’s nipples and they saw her “cockette” react, growing larger and stiffer. “Yes, she now has a decided feminine reaction to many stimuli,” the Doctor noted.

“Will she be aroused by performing cunnilingus?” Pamela asked, breathlessly. “What about anal penetration?”

“Most definitely,” the Doctor replied. “One of the effects of M-X is to reroute nearly all of her erogenous zones to a female reaction.”

“When will she be fully transformed, Magda?” Madame asked.

“I estimate by tomorrow at about 9 AM, Holly will be physically everything Miss Pamela requested.”

“And what will be the next step?’ Pamela inquired.

“Then we will prepare her for her trip home with you,” Madame answered.


Friday, June 28, 2024

Holly's History, part 3

The second day began with Christine escorting Howard—in a pretty pink babydoll nightie—to Madame’s office. “Good morning, sweetie,” she said as they entered. “Lie down, please,” and she indicated the couch. Once he had done so, she said, “Christine, prepare the hypnotic sedative.”

“Yes, Madame,” the sissy maid replied. In a moment, she approached Howard with a hypodermic syringe and injected him in the shoulder. “This is a drug of my own design,” Madame explained. “It will make you very receptive to my suggestions. Just lie there and feel it relaxing you, unlocking your subconscious mind to my words and thoughts.” She watched as Howard’s breathing slowed and his eyes drifted close. “Howard, do you hear me?”

“Yes, Madame,” he murmured.

“Very good. In your current state, you will find it very easy to believe everything I say. You will also find it nearly impossible to lie to me,” she continued. “You will be compelled to agree to everything I say and to follow my directions. Do you understand?”

“I understand, Madame.”

“We’ll start with something quite simple. From now on, your name is not Howard—it is Holly. You will not even think of yourself as Howard—you are Holly,” Madame directed. “Now, who are you?”

“I am Holly,” he replied.

“Excellent. Now you are married to Pamela. Are you her husband?” Madame asked.

“Yes,” Holly answered.

“No!” Madame said, emphatically. “You are her sissy wife, a pretty, feminized submissive who adores her.”

“I am Pamela’s sissy wife,” Holly agreed.

“Exactly! Now, it’s time to teach you how to think and act like a real sissy wife.” She spoke to Christine. “Get the earbuds and put them on Holly.” Once those devices were in place, Madame pushed a button. “This tape, full of instructions and advice, will repeat continuously for the next six hours. Christine, keep an eye on Holly and be sure she’s all right. The tape will run out just before the sedative wears out.”

Christine settled in to watch over her charge, checking on pulse rate and breathing. As the six hours were ending, Holly began to stir. Christine removed the ear buds and helped the newly created sissy to sit up. “How do you feel, Holly?”

Holly stretched and took a deep breath. “Just marvelous,” she replied, in a newly feminine tone—husky, breathy, and sexy. “Where is Madame?”

“She is dealing with other patients,” Christine answered. “Right now, I am to take you to your room. Your training and transformation will continue tomorrow.”


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Holly's History, part 2

The next day, Pamela brought Howard to the Foundation bright and early. They signed in and were met by Madame Fabricantfille. “Welcome to your new home for the next six days, Howard,” she greeted him. She turned to a figure dressed in a classic French maid’s uniform. “Christine, please escort Howard to Doctor Madchenmacher’s lab. She’ll join you there shortly.” Then she spoke to Pamela. “We have accommodations for you as well—would you like to stay and see your spouse’s transformation in person?”

“Oh, yes, Madame—that would be wonderful!” Pamela replied.

“Please, call me Felice,” Madame said. “Come to my office—we can watch the first steps in Howard’s feminization on CCTV.”

Christine led Howard to a white-tiled, almost clinical room. When she finally spoke, he realized she was a feminized male. “Please take a seat in the examination chair,” she said, in a baritone. Once he was seated, she proceeded to assemble some tools.

“How…how long have you been a…a girl?” he asked her.

“A girl?” Christine chuckled. “I’m not a girl! I’m a sissy…and I have been one most of my life. If you mean how long have I dressed this way and served at the Foundation…well, it’s been five years now, since my stepmother gave my guardianship to Madame and Doctor.”

At that moment, Dr. Madchenmacher entered. “Wilkommen, Howard,” she began. “Christine, liebchen, you have everything we need ready?”

Christine curtseyed and replied, “Yes, Doctor.”

“Excellent! Then assist our new patient in removing all his clothes,” the Doctor ordered. It didn’t take long. Soon, a very embarrassed and very naked Howard stood before the lovely physician and her sissy assistant. “Now, Howard, sit in the exam chair and Christine will begin.” Christine lathered his chin and cheeks and started to shave him. “You see, Howard, the first step in your feminization is the total removal of all hair below your eyebrows.” Christine wiped the lather from his face and then applied more. “She will now go over your skin twice more.” And so she did. When it was done, Howard realized he had gotten the closest shave in his life.

Christine turned her attention to his chest. He was not a hairy man, but she quickly removed the few stray hairs before moving to his arms. Satisfied with the smoothness there, she directed him, “Howard, spread your legs—I promise to be very careful.” Howard felt the warm lather applied to his crotch and then the razor carefully scraping away his pubic hair. “Roll over,” Christine said, and when he had done so, she performed the same function on his ass.

The final place was his legs. Soon they were as hairless and smooth as the rest of his naked body.

“One more procedure,” Dr. Madchenmacher announced. Christine produced a bottle of pink lotion and applied it to all the areas she had shaved. Howard felt a tingle in all those places. “This is a special formula developed by the Foundation’s scientists,” the Doctor informed him. “It softens the skin and inhibits hair regrowth. It will be part of your daily morning routine from now on.”

“We should find him something to wear, Doctor,” Christine said.

“Indeed. I think a nice matching teddy and panties will do,” the Doctor agreed. “There’s a pink set in the wardrobe.” Christine fetched the garments and helped Howard dress. “There! Now you are ready for lunch with your wife and Madame!”


Monday, June 24, 2024

Holly's History, part 1

“Welcome to the Feminization Foundation,” the lovely redhead began. “I am Madame Felice Fabricantfille.” She indicated the tall brunette to her right. “This is my colleague, Dr. Magda Madchenmacher.” She had a slight French accent that only made her seem exotic.

Guten tag,” the doctor greeted them. Hers was a German accent and she lapsed into her native tongue on occasion. “Why don’t you introduce yourselves?”

The female half of the couple facing the Foundation leaders spoke. “I am Pamela Stewart. This is my husband, Howard. He will only speak when I permit it. You see, we are in a female-led-marriage and have been since the day he accepted my proposal five years ago. I make all the decisions in our home and relationship and Howard is quite happy with the arrangement, aren’t you, sweetie?”

For the first time, Howard’s voice was heard. “Yes, dear,” he started. “I cannot imagine living any other way. I am far too submissive and obedient to be in charge.”

Madame and the Doctor looked at each other and smiled. “I see,” Madame acknowledged. “So, tell us, why are you here?”

“About a year ago,” Pamela said, “I began to grow tired and bored with our situation. A friend who had used your services suggested I should have Howard feminized. She seemed quite happy with the results on her own partner.”

“Are you interested in full physical feminization?” the Doctor inquired.

Howard’s expression grew apprehensive. “Oh no,” Pamela protested. “I have far too much fun teasing my little Howie’s cock and balls! I’ve been reading up on the several kinds of fem-males there can be and I believe I want Howard to become my male lesbian trophy wife—a gorgeous piece of arm-candy who shares my bed, but only in the way a submissive lesbian lover would.”

Madame smiled and nodded. “Ah, yes, we have successfully transformed several men in that way…and it’s relatively easy with drugs, hypnosis, and some minor surgery. Isn’t that right, Magda?”

Jawohl,” the Doctor agreed. She stood up and gestured to Howard. “Would you stand please?” As Howard did so, she ran her hands over his body and gazed intently into his face, turning it this way and that. “Ja, this is good material to work with. I don’t think I would need more than a week to achieve the desired end. Do you agree, Felice?”

“Oh, yes! He is already so obviously submissive that making him into the epitome of girlish behavior should be child’s play!”

“Excellent!” Pamela enthused, as she motioned to Howard to be seated. “When can you begin?”

“Come into my office and we can sign the necessary documents,” Madame replied. “Magda, you’re ready to begin tomorrow, I assume?”

“Absolutely! I cannot wait!”

Howard’s expression of concern only deepened.


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Brad's Feminization, part 5: Brandi is Dandy

Amanda and Polly spent the next few hours training Brad in proper sissy behavior at the party—how to speak, how to walk, even how to dance. As the hour for the party to begin approached, Michelle returned to assist in the final steps of his transformation. Brad brought out the dress he would wear—the one with the glittery lowcut bodice and short petticoated skirt.

“My word,” said Michelle. “Has he really got the knockers to pull that off?”

“Yes,” Polly responded, “Brad has a great pair of 36B tits…and with the right bra, they can look like a set of C cups! Come here, Sweetie, and let’s show her!” Brad stepped next to Polly and she removed his top and the rather ordinary bra he was wearing. She wrapped a push-up bra around him and made sure his boobs were nestled in it securely. Then she took a pair of inserts and placed them under his breasts, pushing them up and in, creating the illusion of cleavage.

“I see,” Michelle noted. “Well, let’s get this pretty boy fully dressed, so I can finish my work and still have time to dress for the party.” Once he was in the dress, she sat Brad down at a vanity and touched up his makeup and took out his wig for the party. It was long and wavy and hung down over one bare shoulder. The final touch was a pair of sparkly chandelier earrings. “Now, you just rest and get comfortable in all this and I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Just wait until you see what Michelle has chosen to wear,” Amanda told Brad. “She always pulls out all the stops for the store’s party!” Sure enough, Michelle strutted back in a few minutes later, looking like dominant sex itself. She wore a black latex minidress that clung to her curves like it had been sprayed on. The hem reached to only six inches above her knees. Her long legs were covered in sheer black stockings and were perched on black patent pumps with seven-inch heels. Her blazing red hair was done in a severe bob and her makeup emphasized her green eyes. Her lips were a slash of dark, wet red color.

Brad’s mouth hung open—he knew Michelle was as male as he himself, but this was the epitome of female dominance. Seeing his reaction, Amanda activated the butt plug again and watched his arousal grow. She handed the control to Michelle. “Michelle will be your partner and mistress for tonight,” Amanda said. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy her company.”

“And I’m sure I will enjoy his…but we need to give him a proper sissy name!” Michelle responded. “Have you any ideas?”

Polly answered, “We had been considering Brenda—but I think that may be a little too ordinary.”

“Brittany?” Amanda suggested.

“No, too common these days,” Michelle advised. “I have it—Brandi! She’s just as intoxicating, isn’t she?”

And with that, Michelle took Brandi’s arm and guided her to the party, as the vibration from the butt plug turned the newly christened sissy’s stride into the sexiest of wiggles!


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Brad's Feminization, part 4: Beautiful Boy

The mail the next day had a surprise for Brad. “Why, it’s an invitation to a party at the store,” he realized….and then he saw the note attached: Feminine attire and appearance expected. He was torn. “I’d love to actually go somewhere in my girilish best…but ‘appearance,’ how do I manage that?” Coming to a decision, he called the store and made an appointment with their beauty salon for the day of the party.

When he arrived, in male mode, but with bra and panties beneath and a full feminine outfit in tow, he was unsurprised to find Amanda and Polly waiting at the entrance to the salon. “We have very definite ideas about how you should look tonight, Sweetie,” Amanda told him, “and we intend to see them carried out! Now, come meet your stylist!”

They led him into the salon and were greeted by a tall, willowy redhead. “Hi, Michelle,” Polly said. “This is Brad, he‘s here to be fixed up for his debut at the party tonight!” She turned to him. “No worries, honey, Michelle knows just how to transform a sissy like you—after all, she is one!”

“What?” Brad exclaimed. “You…you’re beautiful!”

“Thanks, dear!” Michelle answered, in a decidedly masculine tone. “I promise I’ll have you looking just as lovely when I’m done!” She looked to Amanda and Polly. “You’ve made a great choice in this one, girls—his features are already very femme!”

As Michelle led Brad to the styling chair, Amanda stopped them. “Just a moment, Polly and I have one last thing we want Brad to wear.” She turned her attention to him. “Drop your trousers and bend over, darling.” Though confused, Brad obeyed. Polly lowered his panties and then produced a vibrating butt plug, which she gently worked into Brad’s ass.

“Amanda has the control,” Polly explained. “At various moments during your transformation, she will activate the plug, thus increasing your arousal and associating it with your new appearance. Now, go do as Michelle says.” Brad did so and, as he eased his bottom into the chair, Amanda put the plug on its lowest power level.

“Oooooo, that’s nice,” Brad murmured, smiling.

Michelle began her cosmetic magic, altering Brad’s pretty but still male features to a truly feminine appearance. She trimmed his eyebrows to an attractive arch; used eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow and false lashes to enlarge his eyes; shaped his lips into a perfect cupid’s bow and colored them with a sweet pink; she gave his cheeks the eternal blush of a sissy’s humiliation. “Before I add the wig, Brad, look at yourself in the mirror,” sha said, and spun his chair to face his reflection. As she did so, Amanda increased the power of the butt plug to nearly full, and Brad moaned at the sight of his new face.

“I thought you’d enjoy that,” Amanda said, smiling. “The wig is the last step, Michelle?”

“Yes, but this one is just temporary,” the stylist said. “I’ve prepared a far sexier and more luxurious coiffure for the party tonight!” She put the wig on Brad’s head and made sure it was perfectly arranged. And then, Amanda raised the plug to full power. Immediately, Brad’s entire body stiffened as a massive orgasmic wave flowed through him. He shuddered with pleasure as his cockette exploded.

“Wow!” exclaimed Polly. “I sure hope you brought an extra pair of panties!”


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Brad's Feminization, part 3b: Shiny Shoes

Within a few moments, Brad found himself in the hosiery department. “There are so many styles and colors to choose from, Mistress Amanda! Pantyhose, tights, stockings—which is right for me?” he asked.

“Definitely not pantyhose or tights, dear,” Amanda replied. “We want your cute little cockette more accessible than that would permit! Stockings and a garter belt are sexier, anyway! As for color, I think you need one of the darker ‘nude’ tones, generally—probably something like ‘cinnamon’—and, of course, some sheer black stockings, too.”

“I’ve seen some girls in fishnet hose,” he commented. “They look very alluring!”

“Yes,” Amanda laughed. “Perhaps when we’ve gotten you a maid’s uniform!” She picked out a half-dozen pairs of stockings and two garter belts (pink and blue) and sent Brad to the checkout. “This time, you get to pay for them yourself, Sweetie….and be sure to mention they’re all for you!” When the transaction was complete, and Brad was pink with embarrassment, Amanda led him to a fitting room where he exchanged his male socks for the stockings.

When that was done, they headed for the shoe department, where Polly met them along with another young sales girl. “This is Rachel, Brad,” Polly said. “She is in charge of women’s shoes and will help you pick out some lovely footwear!”

“Nice to meet you, Brad,” Rachel said. “Have a seat and let me measure you.” She knelt before him and placed his left foot on the Brannock device, used to measure foot length and width. “Oh, what beautiful stockings,” she exclaimed. “You have exquisite feet, dear!” She turned her attention to Amanda and Polly, recognizing that they were in charge. “Now, what sort of shoes are we looking for?”

“Patent leather pumps,” Amanda replied, “in pastel shades, the girlier the better!”

“Yes,” agreed Polly, “with heels at least five inches high….”

“…and pretty adornments on the instep, if possible,” Amanda added.

“Well, Brad takes a ladies’ size 10,” Rachel told them, “so I should have a nice selection in the back. Give me a few moments.”

As she left, Brad turned to his two feminizers. “Five-inch heels?” he asked. “Will I really be able to manage that?”

“That and even higher in time,” Polly replied. “A true sissy can handle seven-inch heels with scarcely a wobble.”

At that moment, Rachel returned with three boxes. “I believe these will fit the bill,” she said, kneeling again to display the first selection and assist Brad in putting it on. The shoe was a baby-pink platform pump with a spike heel and ankle strap. A tiny ornament hung from the buckle of the strap. Rachel slipped the shoes onto Brad’s stockinged feet, tightened the straps and assisted him to his feet. He teetered for a moment and then realized he was quite comfortable and balanced.

“Wow!” he exclaimed. “I love the extra height and the heels make my legs feel terrific!”

“Your ass looks wonderful in them, too,” Amanda complimented. “We’ll definitely take these, Rachel. Now, let’s try one of the others.” Rachel opened another box, revealing an elegant pair of pumps in baby blue, with five-inch kitten heels, pointed toes, and big bows on the instep.

“Oh, the bows are just delicious,” Polly said, as Brad slid the shoes onto his feet. He stood, more easily than in the last pair, and began to mince about the department. “Those will be perfect for a semi-formal affair!” Polly affirmed.

“I have one more pair to show you,” Rachel said, as she brought out a pair in soft pink. Like the last pair, they featured a sharply pointed toe, but these had a slim spike heel and rhinestone-encrusted buckles on the instep. Even Brad’s face lit up on seeing them, and he couldn’t wait to try them on.

Amanda nodded. “Yes, we’ll take all three pairs….but I think Brad will wear the blue ones home, won’t you, dear?” He nodded. With that, Amanda handed him the lavender floral dress. “Go put this on as well, you little sissy. Time for you to get used to being seen in public.” Brad obeyed and returned in the dress and heels—the only thing that looked masculine was his face and hair.

“And we’ll take care of that next time,” Polly announced.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Brad's Feminization, part 3a: Say Yes to the Dress

Seven days later, Brad tried to sneak into the store, but one of the staff saw him immediately and announced on the intercom: “Amanda and Polly, your favorite customer has arrived!”

Moments later, the two girls were escorting Brad to the party dress department. “We’re having a get-together for the staff next month…and we want you there as our most successful project,” Polly told him. “So, we’re going to spend today finding you a suitable frock!” She stopped and ran her hands over his chest. “Oh, good! You’re wearing the bra we can add the push-up pads to!” Brad blushed.

“We’re wasting time,” Amanda interjected, taking Brad’s arm and pulling him toward the fitting room. “Polly, you know his size by now—go pick out some suitable dresses. Be sure they’re pretty and frilly, with room for lots of petticoats!” As her partner left, Amanda began removing Brad’s shirt and trousers, leaving him standing in pale pink ruffled panties and a lacy bra. She softly caressed his tits and felt the nipples stiffen. “Excited, are you?” she laughed. Then her hand strayed to the bulge in his panties. “Yes, I can see you are,” she chuckled. “You really have become a total sissy, haven’t you?”

Unable to deny it, Brad replied, “Yes, Miss Amanda, and I love my pretty undies!”

At that moment, Polly entered with four lovely dresses and hung them on the rack. “Well, then, you’re going to absolutely swoon over the things we show you today!” She picked one out and held it up before Brad. “Yes, this will be quite nice!” The frock was a pale pink with large polka dots. It had a white scarf-like collar and a belt at the waist. To go with it, Polly selected a petticoat with multiple tiers of frills. Once in place, it all was just knee length.

“That’s a lovely choice, Polly,” Amanda agreed. “He could even wear it at work and then come straight to the party!” She reached up to pick out another. This, too, was in pink (although a bolder shade) and had an off-the-shoulder neckline. The skirt was a wide circle and accommodated an even more generous fluffy petticoat. “Pick up the hem and rustle the skirt and pettis,” Amanda insisted. “Oh, every eye will be on you in that dress!”

“Here’s one that might be more suitable to everyday wear,” Polly noted, as she placed another dress on Brad’s body. It was lavender in color with a bold floral pattern. The skirt was much straighter with only a light petticoat…but the bodice was sleeveless and clung tight to Brad’s B cups and narrow waist.

“Indeed, he could easily go shopping or to lunch with ‘the girls’ in that one,” Amanda agreed.

The last dress was far more daring. It had a deep V neckline to its glittery bodice and the satin skirt floated on petticoats inches above his knees. There was also a delicate organdy overskirt. “Oh, he’ll need the push-up pads with that one, certainly,” Polly noted. “And it shows off just how girlish and feminine his legs are!”

“Speaking of that, Brad will definitely need hosiery and high heels for all of these frocks,” Amanda decided. When Brad was back in his male attire, she took him by the hand. “Come with me, sweetie, and we’ll find just what you need while Polly packs and pays for your pretty dresses—with your credit card, of course!”