Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Happy Christmas to All....

[My annual Christmas greeting, first posted in 2007.]

...and to all a Good Night!" Clement Clark Moore wrote. (And, yes, he did write "Happy Christmas," not "Merry....")

This is my chance to talk about how I feel about Christmas. I'm with Charles Dickens, who put these words into the mouth of Scrooge's nephew, Fred: "I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round -- apart from the veneration due to its sacred name and origin, if anything belonging to it can be apart from that -- as a good time: a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time: the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys. And therefore, uncle, though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that it has done me good, and will do me good; and I say, God bless it!"

There is practically no version of A Christmas Carol that I cannot stand to watch at least once, although I have a favorite--the 1984 TV version starring George C. Scott, which I consider closest to both the spirit and the letter of Dickens' work. I will confess a soft spot for The Muppet Christmas Carol, in part because my kids love it so (despite their being college graduates now).

So I will close this post with the immortal words of Tiny Tim:

God bless us, everyone!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

LolaVenus Magazine November 2020

I've fallen behind on posting these, so I'm doing one today and another on Friday.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Hypno-Session: Just Fur Dani

This past Thursday, Goddess Lola and I met for another session, this one to celebrate the holidays...and I got a beautiful gift.

The trance-script is here.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

From Aaron to Erin, part five

The week before he was to begin Step Four, Aaron received a communication from the Salon:

Make plans to spend two days for the commencement of Step Four. It will be a 48-hour process.

Aaron informed his instructors at college that he would be absent at that time…and then wondered what would be different this time. The morning of his appointment he wore his girliest attire and strode into the Salon. “Miss Erin,” Ms. Jane greeted him. “You’re right on time. Follow me.” She led him to a room he had not been in before. Waiting there were Ms. Vera and Dr. Madchenmacher.

“You are reaching one of the climactic moments in your transformation,” Ms. Vera explained. “Over the next two days, we will acclimate your mind to the new reality of your sissy body.”

“Yes,” the doctor said. “When we are done, you will no longer think of yourself as a man who wears feminine clothes. You will truly be a sissy, a man who desires nothing more than to be thought of as girlish, attractive and submissive.”

Aaron gasped at that idea. It was true he had begun this journey wanting to be as feminine as possible, but to actually think of himself in those terms was a surprise. “Will I never be able to present myself as fully masculine?” he asked.

Ms. Vera laughed. “You won’t want to! You’ll be as happy as all the sissies we have working for us here at the Salon! Have you ever heard one of them express the slightest desire to be seen as male?”

Aaron shook his head. “No, I haven’t.”

“And neither will you,” Dr. Madchenmacher replied. “Now, come, let me prepare you for the process.”

The doctor and her staff stripped Aaron to the skin. Then she injected him in the arm. “It’s a muscle relaxant,” she explained. “In a few moments, you will be essentially paralyzed. The effect will last for the full 36 hours of the process.” As the drug took effect, the staff began wrapping Aaron in pink satin, pinning his arms to his side and binding his legs together. When they were done, they laid him on a nearby bed.

“One more thing,” Dr. Madchenmacher said, as she inserted a pair of earbuds. “Now you are ready to begin,” she added as she pulled a satin hood over his face. The final step was a feeding and breathing apparatus. As they left the room, the lights dimmed and Aaron’s mind was filled with new directions through his earbuds.

You are no longer Aaron; you are Erin. You no longer recognize Aaron as your name and will not respond when addressed as Aaron. You are fully feminized, save for your sissy-cock. You are aroused by the vision of your feminine body, by obeying the demands of your superiors, by providing pleasure to all women.

Those words, and others, repeated in Aaron’s mind, as he absorbed his even-more feminine condition throughout the long night and next morning. Finally, all the medication wore off and he drifted back to consciousness. As he did, the sissy staff removed his bindings and put him in typically girlish undies. He sat up in the bed and saw Dr. Madchenmacher and Ms. Vera regarding him with satisfied smiles. “Good morning, Aaron, how are you?” Ms. Vera greeted him.

“Who is Aaron?” he asked. “My name is Erin.” The smiles on the two women broadened.

“You don’t recall being a boy named Aaron?” the doctor asked.

“Of course, I’m a boy,” he replied. “I’m a pretty sissy-boy named Erin!”

Ms. Vera beckoned to the staff. “Help Miss Erin into that lovely, frilly dress and then deliver him to my office.”

A short time later, Erin stood before Ms. Vera’s desk as she advised him of the next stage of his transformation. “Next week, we will begin Step Five. You will be trained for your new career as a model—specifically as a sexy pin-up model. We have already told the university that you are dropping out and have informed your employer of your resignation. Your new life is about to start.”


Monday, November 25, 2024

From Aaron to Erin, part four

One week later, Aaron again reported to the Salon. He was immediately directed to Ms. Vera. He minced into her office on in his pink heels and tight pink skirt and curtseyed. “Good morning, Ms. Vera,” he said.

She rose and came to him, taking his hands. “How lovely your nails look, dear!” she enthused. “You’ve been taking good care of them.”

“Yes, Ms. Vera,” he replied. “I was given explicit instructions.”

“Today, as you begin Step Three, you will be given instructions on other forms of feminine care, Miss Erin.” She summoned Ms. Jane, her assistant. “Escort Miss Erin to the cosmetician’s clinic.”

In short order, Aaron found himself in one of the most girly parts of the Salon, surrounded by all manner of creams, lotions, brushes and applicators. “Ah, Miss Erin, I’ve heard so much about you,” the cosmetician, Ms. Margaret, greeted him. “I was told you were one of the prettiest sissies to ever grace our premises, and I can see that is true!” She indicated a chair for him. “Now, we shall make you even lovelier.”

“Makeup, Ms. Margaret?” he asked, cautiously.

“Oh, nothing very elaborate, dear,” she answered, “at least not right away. Just a bit to feminize your features.” She adjusted the chair so Aaron was reclining and moved her light into place.

Thirty minutes later, she was done and raised the chair, so Aaron could see himself in the mirror. His eyes looked bigger, having been enhanced with eyeliner and mascara. His lips were sweetly moist in their new pink color. He smiled. Ms. Margaret handed him a makeup kit and a pamphlet with instructions. “Ms. Vera directs that you are to wear mascara, eyeliner and lipstick at all times in public. The fullness of your sissification is to be obvious to all.”

At that moment, Ms. Jane re-entered. “One more stop today, Miss Erin. I hope you are well-rested.” She led Aaron to the exercise room, where they were met by Ms. Carlotta.

“So this is Miss Erin,” Ms. Carlotta noted. “She’s quite attractive, but I fear she still moves too much like a boy! Ms. Jane, you will find a corset in the wardrobe that should fit her. Please get her laced into it—as tightly as you can manage!”

Stripping Aaron to just his panties, Ms. Jane wrapped the heavily boned garment around him and began pulling the laces. Aaron gasped as he felt the restriction on his body. “Take a deep breath and hold it,” Ms. Carlotta directed him. “Now, Ms. Jane, you should be able to get another three inches off his waist.” Sure enough, Aaron’s figure was soon in the shape she wanted.

Ms. Carlotta produced a pair of pink pumps, with even higher heels than Aaron had worn before—a full seven inches! “Slip these on, dear,” she said and then follow me to the training track.” Aaron did so, finding the combination of the corset and the heels a bit difficult. “Having trouble, Miss Erin? Well, this exercise is designed to make you move at all times with feminine poise and decorum.” She began playing a music track with a light rhythm. “Walk in time to the music,” she told him.

Aaron began walking down the marked path, doing his best to keep his balance. “Hold your arms out to the sides,” Ms. Carlotta advised. “It will improve your center of gravity.” The pace of the music increased after Aaron had done three round trips on the path….and he speeded up his walk to match. This continued for 60 minutes, with the music ending up at the tempo of a power walk. As the music faded, Aaron was exhausted.

“Release her from the corset,” Ms. Carlotta directed, “and put her back in that pretty pink dress. We have more practice to do.” When Aaron returned in his original outfit, there was a comfortable chair waiting. “Have a seat, Miss Erin.” He rather plopped himself down onto the chair. “Oh no, that will never do,” Ms. Carlotta chided. “You must learn to sit like a girl!”

“There are two ways a girl can sit in a chair—one is demure and ladylike, the other is sexy and seductive. You must learn the proper way to do both,” she informed him. “Now, stand and be seated again, with your knees together and your legs crossed at the ankles.”

“Like this?” Aaron asked, as he did his best to assume the proper pose.

“Nearly,” Ms. Carlotta said. “But sit more on the edge of the chair, with your hands folded in your lap. Excellent! This position displays your lovely legs, but without exposing so much as to be flagrant. Try it again.” Aaron followed directions and sat once more. “Much better. Now, I want you to do that ten more times.” Aaron rose again and again and sat again and again, eventually (after much coaching and correction) managing to sit to Ms. Carlotta’s approval every time.

“Nicely done, Miss Erin,” she said, smiling, “but now it’s time to learn the other position—which I think you will be using far more often. Stand up and this time, as you sit, cross your left leg over the knee of your right leg, and let your foot casually dangle.” Aaron rather clumsily attempted the pose. “No, no, Miss Erin—your goal is to seduce and entice the observer. Move sensuously and let your skirt slide up a bit, so that your thigh is exposed. Try again.”

Aaron stood once more and moved with a feminine grace into the desired position. “Yes, that’s the way! Now, swivel a bit so you are sitting a little more at an angle and showing off more of those luscious legs,” Ms. Carlotta suggested. “You’re getting there! Now, let you leg swing gently and catch the attention of anyone watching.”

Aaron followed the instructions and found that his shoe began to dangle from his toe. “Oh, that’s wonderful!” Ms. Carlotta gushed. “All the foot and shoe fetishists will be riveted! Now, let’s try that ten more times.” He rose and performed the maneuver again and again, each time with more ease and comfort. “You’ve got it! Now, let’s try alternating from crossed ankles to crossed knees.”

Aaron spent another 30 minutes practicing each pose. When he was done, Ms. Carlotta actually clapped her hands in appreciation. “We’re done for now. I want you to spend one hour each day at home practicing the walk and another hour with the seating. Record yourself and send the videos to me. You can return in a month and Ms. Vera will start you on Step Four.”


Tuesday, November 19, 2024

From Aaron to Erin, part three

One week later, Aaron arrived at the Salon at his usual time. “Good morning, Miss Erin,” Jane greeted him. “Take a seat—Ms. Vera will be here soon to start you on Step Two.”

Just moments later, Aaron heard the distinctive sound of Ms. Vera’s stiletto heels on the tiled floor. He rose to greet her even before she entered. “Good morning, Ms. Vera,” he said as he curtseyed.

“Follow me,” she directed him. She led him down the corridor to a while-tiled room with a decided medical appearance. A tall brunette in a white lab coat awaited them. “Dr. Madchenmacher, this is Miss Erin,” Ms. Vera said. “She is ready to begin Step Two of our process.”

“Ah, yes,” the doctor replied, with the hint of a German accent. “I was alerted to her coming.” She snapped her fingers and an assistant in scrubs came to her side. “Miss Lori, prepare Miss Erin for the procedure.”

“Yes, Doctor,” the assistant replied. “Come with me, Miss Erin.” She pointed to a smaller room.

Once they were alone there, Aaron gained the courage to ask. “Dr. Madchenmacher addressed you ‘Miss’. Are you a feminized sissy as I am destined to be?”

As Miss Lori stripped Aaron of his clothes, she answered. “Oh, yes, I was sissified almost two years ago. I am paying off my debt for the process by assisting Dr. Madchenmacher. Do you know what you will be doing when you are completely changed?”

“Well, I chose ‘model’ on my application,” Aaron admitted.

“That’s an excellent choice,” Miss Lori said. "I have seen many of the model sissies in my time here. They are all quite pretty and sexy!” She pointed to the examination table. “Lie down and Dr. Madchenmacher will be with you soon.”

In a few moments, the doctor entered. She ran her hands over Aaron’s body and cradled his sissy-cock and balls in her palm. “We have rarely had such excellent raw material to work from, Miss Lori,” she remarked. She held out her hand. “The hypnotic sedative,” she ordered. Miss Lori placed a hypodermic in Dr. Madchenmacher’s hand and she then gently pressed It into Aaron’s shoulder. “This will keep you calm and comfortable while we work,” she told him.

Sure enough, within seconds, Aaron was unconscious. “Syringes one and two,” the doctor said. Miss Lori handed them to her and she injected their contents into Aaron’s chest, one near each nipple. “Help me roll her over,” she ordered, and Miss Lori assisted in putting Aaron face down, his ass prominently displayed. “Syringe number three,” the doctor said and then injected its contents into Aaron’s bottom. They rolled him onto his back and Dr. Madchenmacher asked for the final syringe—“Number four.” This one she very gingerly inserted into his scrotum and injected its contents into his sissy-balls.

“Let her sleep while the process takes effect,” she told Miss Lori. “In the meantime, collect the clothing Ms. Vera has chosen for her.”

About two hours later, Dr. Madchenmacher used a caliper and a tape measure to examine Aaron’s body. “Ah, good,” she noted, as she looked at the swelling on his chest. “Miss Erin has developed a pretty pair of A-cup titties, with large nipples!” She wrapped the tape measure around his hips and ass. “And his measurement here is now a lovely 35 inches!” Lastly, she used the caliper to test his sissy-cock. “It has grown a full inch and is now permanently erect—success!”

By now, Aaron was rousing from his drugged condition and Miss Lori began to dress him. First was a lacy bra, panty and garter-belt set, followed by sheer stockings. His other clothing was a tight-fitting pink sweater, a clingy pink pencil skirt, and a pair of pink patent stiletto heels. She assisted him to his feet and steadied him. A mirror was placed before him. “Oh, heavens!” he exclaimed. “I look beautiful and sort of sexy!”

“Indeed you do,” the doctor agreed. She pressed a button and said, “Miss Jane, please come escort Miss Erin to Ms. Vera’s office.”

When they arrived there, Ms. Vera greeted Aaron with air-kisses and smiled. “How lovely and feminine you look, Miss Erin!” she gushed. “You may return to your home—where you will find that, once again, all your clothing has been replaced by items more in keeping with your new status. No more pants for you, darling—just dresses and skirts; no more flats, either—it’s heels from now on, in a wide variety of styles.”

One week later, Aaron came back for the second stage of Step Two. Again, he was taken to Dr. Madchenmacher’s clinic and given injections in his budding breasts. When they had taken effect, his tits had enlarged to a very attractive B cup. This time, his second stop was at the more “normal” part of the Salon.

The receptionist greeted him warmly. “Hello, Miss Erin! Today, we begin the little things that truly make a sissy feminine! Have a seat at the manicurist’s station….” He did as directed and was soon joined by a cute sissy in the white mini-dress of the staff. “Show me your hands, Miss Erin,” she requested. “Oh! Those will never do! You will need a complete set of artificial nails, at least until your own grow in properly.”
She took out the tools of her trade and began shaping and treating his nails to receive the false ones. Then she showed him the set he would be wearing. They were not overly long or pointed, but still decidedly girlish. She applied the special glue to Aaron’s nails and pressed the artificial ones into place. Immediately, his hands became more feminine, more elegant in appearance. He smiled.

“You like?” the manicurist asked, laughing. “We’re not done yet!” She took out a tray of nail polish and looked it over. “Yes, Ms. Vera has ordered pink for you…this shade should fit the bill!” She opened the bottle and Aaron’s nose was filled with the distinctive odor of the polish. She began brushing it on and he watched as his fingers became tipped with bright pink talons that shone in the lights of the Salon. “Now, while those dry, let’s do your other set of nails!” the manicurist said. She removed his pumps and stockings and began his pedicure. When she was done, his toes matched his fingers.

“Now, slip those hose and heels back on and go over to the piercing table,” she told him.

“Piercing?” Aaron thought. “I hope it’s nothing too extreme.” With trepidation, he sat at the indicated station. Another member of the sissy staff came over with a tray of various earrings and a strange-looking device. She smiled when she saw his puzzled look. “Oh, this?” she said, holding up the device. “It’s a piercing gun…we don’t use needles anymore!” She pressed the gun against his earlobe and he felt a sharp sting and then another on the other ear. The staff sissy opened the tray and removed a small set of studs. “Ms. Vera has ordered these cute hearts for you as a starter. Later, we can experiment with more elaborate styles!”

She took a mirror in hand and showed him the final effect. “They’re very pretty,” Aaron agreed. “Am I done now?”

“For today, according to the schedule,” was the reply. “Your next visit is in a week.”