He turned to his left and saw his Mistress Miranda on the bed beside him, still sound asleep. She was completely naked and her nakedness aroused him. Suddenly, he was seized by a compulsion to bury his face in her crotch, to service her pussy until she came shudderingly awake in orgasm. He did so, the smell and taste of her sex furthering his own arousal, as he rubbed his swollen, pantie-covered crotch against the satin sheets.
In moments, Miranda stirred and mummered, "Oh, that's very good, darling. Keep it up." Clark applied his tongue to her clit with greater effort as she reached down and began to play with his nipples through the satin. "Oh, you're very good at this, sweetness," she complimented him, through her ragged breathing. Seconds later, her orgasm claimed her and she screamed, "Come with me, my beauty!"
With that, the second part of the post-hypnotic suggestion she had planted in Clark's mind at bedtime took over, and he filled his panties with cum as his mind surrendered to the feminine personality of Clare.
After breakfast, Clare changed into a white dress with a short full skirt, bouncing over her thighs on a froth of petticoats. She was enjoying the way her six-inch heels shortened her stride to an engaging mince when the doorbell rang.
"That should be the client I told you about," Miranda called from the next room. "Get the door, please, Clare love?"
Clare opened the door and was surprised to find a tall good-looking young executive type standing there alone. He had a garment bag and a small overnight case with him. This is a guy who wants to be made into a girl? she thought. Following the hyper-feminine instincts instilled by Miranda's hypnotic suggestions, Clare curtseyed and introduced herself.
"Nice to meet you, Clare," the man replied. "I'm Walter."
Miranda entered and stood beside Clare. "Are you certain you're ready for this step, Walter?"
"Absolutely, Mistress."
As they settled themselves in Miranda's study, the hypnotist explained how she came to know the young executive. "Like you, Walter was in the audience at one of my shows. Unlike you, however, I had not picked him for a stage appearance--but his eagerness to experience the erotic nature of trance was so strong that he fell under my spell anyway. As I did with you, I had used my abilities to transform a young man into a young woman that evening...and Walter felt the power of that transformation as well."
Walter picked up the story. "After Mistress Miranda broke the trance, I went to her dressing room and begged for the opportunity to really be transformed by her. She put me under again and we explored my fantasies. She's never told me what I revealed to her...but she gave me a post-hypnotic suggestion to acquire certain items"--he indicated the bags he had brought with him--"and bring them today. I still don't know what I bought."
Miranda nodded. She looked directly at Walter and said, "School's in session." His head dropped to his chest and he fell back under her spell.
"Wanda," she addressed him, "are you ready for class?"
"No, Mistress," he replied, his voice now soft and breathy, "I am not dressed properly."
"No, you are not," she affirmed. "You will go into the bedroom and dress for school. Clare will assist you."

Next, following hypnotic commands planted weeks ago by Miranda, Wanda sat at the vanity and made up her face in a manner that suggested a cross between a high-school coed and a showgirl. Her lips were full and red, her eyes brought out with shadow and mascara and liner. The final touch was a long, black curly wig, tied into pigtails by white satin ribbons.
The physical transformation complete, Wanda and Clare returned to the study so that Miranda could complete the mental changes.
Miranda smiled broadly as her latest subject swayed into the room. "Wanda, you're absolutely lovely!" she cried.
"Thank you, Mistress," the school-girl clad executive answered.
Miranda reached forward and moved her hand across Wanda's face, from top to bottom, and Wanda returned to a deep trance state. "Wanda, in these clothes and this look, you will always be a flirtatious lesbian cock-tease. You will delight in luring men with your charms, only to reject them in favor of some lovely woman. You will eventually have a pack of men at your beck-and-call, each of whom will know that he can never have you...but eternally try nevertheless.
"You will always be aware that you are really Walter, and will be able to return to his psyche merely by changing clothes, just as you will become Wanda by wearing these teen-age sexpot outfits."
Miranda again passed her hand over Wanda's face, from bottom to top this time, and Wanda became completely awake.
"Thank you, Mistress Miranda--thank you for giving me this," Wanda exploded, and pressed her lips against Miranda's in a deep kiss. "How is it this is what I always wanted--and yet never realized?"
"Many of us desire things we can't admit to," Miranda explained. "My power is to give you the power to know and use those desires."
That evening, as Miranda and Clare lay in bed after another satisfying session of female dominant sex, Clare asked, "Mistress, could you give me what you gave Walter? The ability to go back and forth between Clark and Clare at will?"
"No, Clare, I cannot." Miranda answered.
Clare scowled. "Why not?"
"Because it isn't what you truly want," she replied. "Do you remember the questions I asked you when I first brought you on stage?"
"About flirting, about being proud of my tits and the way my clothes made me look and feel? Yes, I remember."
"I didn't make you feel that way, Clare darling...anymore than I made you so submissive to my desires," Miranda grinned. "That's the real you. If anything, Clark was the disguise, one you had forced yourself to wear most of your life.
"You are Clare, dear--the sweet, submissive transvestite with a taste for flirty clothes and hot, wet pussy in your mouth," she concluded. "Now, all this talk of your submission has made me horny again." She guided Clare's head down to her crotch. "Get to work!"
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