Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Strange Trance Experience

I just completed my latest session with Goddess Lola...but it feels different somehow. I don't quite remember the induction happening, but I have a very good memory of an exciting hypno-adventure as a glamorous movie star...and I don't really remember being awakened from trance or saying goodnight to Goddess.

It's very weird.


Alric said...

That sounds awesome!
I want to thank you for all the wonderful stories and adventures over the years
In February I started on HRT and I am learning how to express my feminine self in public.
Following along on your blog was an inspiration for me.
And thankyou to Goddess Lola as well.

Goddess Lola said...

You're welcome, Alric. I hope that Dani enjoys reading through the trance-cript. It should be very enlightening.