Wednesday, July 17, 2024

TranceCon, part 4

“It’s time the rest of you matched your lovely face,” Vera said, as she took a box from the dresser and opened it.

Eva gasped when he saw the contents—a set of false breasts. “My god, what size are they?” he asked.

Vera held them up and shook them so the massive knockers bounced. “38-C,” she replied. “Just big enough without being ridiculously huge.” She handed them to Sophia. “Help him into them.”

Sophia stretched the neck opening so it would fit over Eva’s head and then assisted him in putting it on, much like a pullover sweater. She pulled it taut, making sure the tits were properly positioned on his chest. “There we go,” she said. “Let’s see them jiggle!”

Eva made his new boobs bounce and wiggle. “They’re heavy,” he commented, “but I like the feel!”

“Of course you do,” Amanda said, coming up behind him in an embrace. “You’re a submissive sissy—you’ve been longing for a nice set of knockers for years!”

“Oh, my, look at the time,” Vera exclaimed. “We’re due for the final demonstration in one hour. Hurry, ladies, get him dressed and then outfit yourselves appropriately!”

Sixty minutes later, the Demanden sisters were again introduced in the ship’s theater. They came out in matching mini-dresses, in black, red, and blue. As usual, Vera took the lesd, acknowledging the applause from the audience. “Thank you, you’re very kind,” she said. “I know many of you were here to witness our discovery Everett and his transformation to the sissy Eva. Well, now, three days later, it’s time for you to meet his final form.”

Vera pointed to the wings and Eva minced out on six-inch spike heels. He was clad in a dress much like those his Mistresses wore, but his was in an appropriately sissy pink. He smiled, blushed and waved to the crowd. Sophia came forward to stand beside him. “He is gorgeous and sexy, isn’t he?” she noted. “But his changes are not yet complete. Our goal was to create a male lesbian bimbo. As you can see, his body now definitely fits that description, but his mind does not.” She brought out the fateful pendant and dangled it before Eva’s eyes, until she saw them glaze over in trance.

“Eva, do you know what a bimbo is?” she asked.

“Yes, Mistress,” he replied. “A bimbo is a person who is not very bright and obsessed with sex.”

“Would you like to be a bimbo, dear?”

“If you and the other Mistresses wish me to be,” he said.

“That’s a good sissy,” Amanda said, joining them. “Now, I want you to empty your mind of everything you know that is not required to simply be pretty and sexy. All that is left is the things a bimbo must know.”

“Yes, Mistress, I have emptied my mind….”

“Good bimbo…” Amanda said, then turned her attention to the audience. “Of course, we don’t want the poor thing to be a bimbo all the time!” She redirected herself to Eva. “Eva, whenever you hear me or one of my sisters say Bubble Head, you will be this empty-headed, sex-obsessed playtoy. If we say Smart Eva, you will go back to being a normal obedient sissy. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Good bimbo. Now, wake up as your normal self.” Eva’s eyes fluttered, and he smiled.

“How are you feeling, sweetheart,” Vera asked. “Do you like being our pretty little sissy, our obedient, intelligent submissive?”

“Oh, yes, Mistress Vera,” he replied. “This is what I’ve always wanted to be!”

“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather be a Bubble Head?” Sophia asked.

Instantly, Eva’s mouth dropped open into a surprised “O” and his body took on a sensuous and sexy pose. He cupped his hands under his boobs, as if to offer them to all who watched. “Oh, wow!” he cried, in a high-pitched squeal. “It’s so nice to have so many people, like, staring at me!”

“Why don’t you give them something to really stare at?” Amanda asked. “Pull up your skirt and rub your little cockette!”

He immediately complied and the audience saw his arousal grow. “Now, turn and show off your luscious ass,” Vera suggested. He did so, bending over so that the fabric of his dress clung to the curves of his bottom. He wiggled it, lasciviously. The audience applauded and laughed with enthusiasm.

Vera produced a rather large butt-plug. She showed it to the audience and then to Eva. “Would you like me to shove this in your ass-pussy?”

“Oooooo, yes,” Eva squealed again. Vera raised the hem of his skirt, pulled down his panties and plunged the plug in. “Golly! That feels, like, the best!” he said.

The audience again roared with approval. Vera called her sisters to join in for a curtain call as Eva continued to squirm with sexual pleasure. A spotlight hit him and the rest of the lights dimmed. The audience rose for an ovation and the dommes and their male lesbian bimbo exited.


1 comment:

Lady Debra said...

I loved the story! You are very creative!