Sunday, August 4, 2024

Stepton Sissy Camp, Part 2

Brenda checked the clock. “Oh, look at the time! Into your nighties, sissies, and then to bed!” Once they were all in their matching pink baby-doll nighties and snuggled under the satin sheets of their beds, she turned off the lights and went to her office. Dialing a special number on her phone, she texted: Cabin 5 retired. Begin overnight programming.

In the headquarters cabin, a computer began broadcasting to the campers’ Implants:
When you awaken, you will see your unadorned face in the mirror. You will immediately beg for an appointment at the camp beauty salon.

In reaction to this programming, all the campers smiled and squirmed in their beds. It would be a busy day in the salon tomorrow.

At seven, the next morning, Brenda turned on the lights and announced, “Rise and shine, my sissy darlings!” She was greeted by a chorus of moans, as the campers realized the condition of their faces. One of the loudest was Ally.

“Oh, Ms. Brenda,” he sighed, “I look terrible!”

“Really, Ally,” Brenda replied. “I think you are the handsomest one in this cabin!”

“I’m not supposed to be ‘handsome,’” Ally argued. “I’m a sissy—I should be pretty! I should be beautiful! Please, Ms. Brenda, may I have an appointment at the camp salon?” With that, all the other campers joined in the request. Brenda smiled. It works every time, she thought.

“All right, sissies, get into your uniforms. We’ll have breakfast and then I’ll take you all to the salon.” So it was that, as the salon doors opened, all the campers from Cabin 5 were lined up and eagerly awaiting their makeovers. Of course, the salon staff (many of whom were sissies themselves) had already been given explicit instructions on the final feminine look for each camper—which were to be bleached blonde, which given childish curly perms, and the precise makeup regimen for them all.

Ally soon found himself in one of the styling chairs, with a protective pink cape over his uniform. “Hi, Ally, I’m Penelope,” the stylist introduced herself. Her husky, breathy voice revealed her true gender, despite her lovely features, graceful movements, and generous curves. She stood in front of Ally and swiveled the chair from side to side, examining his face. “Yes, I know exactly what will work for you, dear!” She began with a cleansing and exfoliating process and followed it with a light foundation. She trimmed his eyebrows to a more feminine shape and then set to work on his eyes. She applied a highlighter under his brow ridge and then dusted his lids with a reddish-brown shade. She brushed a slightly darker tone into the crease of the lids.

The next step was carefully applied eyeliner both above and below. Then she took out a set of long thick false lashes and, using a set of tweezers, glued them to Ally’s upper and lower lids. An application of mascara blended them seamlessly with his own lashes.

“Smile for me, sweetie,” Penelope said, and Ally obeyed. “Ah, there are the apples of your cheeks. How hold that expression,” and she brushed on a rose-pink blush. “Purse your lips, dear, like you are blowing a kiss,” she directed. When Ally did so, she used a brush to apply a deep pink color to his lips and then made it moist and shiny with gloss.

She went into a drawer and came out with a piercing gun. “All pretty sissies wear cute girly earrings,” Penelope pronounced, as she used the device to put neat little holes in his lobes and then filled them with sparkly pink hearts. “Almost done, dear,” she said and opened a case to reveal a selection of wigs. “I’m afraid you’ll have to wear one of these until your own hair grows out—but that should happen by the end of the first month.” She picked out a pixie-ish curled bob style, placed it on his head and then brushed it.

Penelope swung the chair to face the mirror and Ally broke into a smile. “Oh, Ms. Penelope, I’m gorgeous!” he exclaimed. And a chorus of similar shouts rang out from the other campers, all pleased with their transformations.

When the last of the sissies was done admiring his new appearance, Brenda announced it was lunchtime. She escorted them all to the mess tent, where they all had just a light salad and a diet drink. “Must watch our weight and our figures,” she admonished those who asked for more. “And anyway, it’s time now for your exercise class.”

They followed her to the gym and were met by the instructor, Ms. Hardbody. “Now, sissies, to your left you will see a row of lockers, each labeled with one of your names,” she said. “Find yours, open it and change into the clothes there.” Each camper did as directed and discovered a black leotard, sheer black pantyhose and a pair of black patent-leather pumps with six-inch heels. They all changed, though a few wobbled on their new heels. “Don’t worry—by the end of this lesson,” Ms. Hardbody told them, “you will all be walking, mincing and strutting on those spike heels like runway models!”

She and Brenda escorted each of the sissies to a line of treadmills and assisted them in getting into place. “Now, to be sure you are safe,” the instructor said, “we will secure your hands to the rails.” And Brenda then strapped each sissy in. Ms. Hardbody went to a control console. “We will begin the exercise at a comfortable stroll and gradually increase the pace to a steady strut. Ready, sissies?” She pushed the button. “Begin!”

Although a few lost their balance on the first step, soon all the sissies were keeping up with the machines. “That’s it, heel-toe, heel-toe,” Ms. Hardbody complimented them. “Such an elegant, ladylike gait, dears. Do you find your hips and ass wiggling a bit? That’s good—it’s how an attractive sissy moves.”

The exercise went on for 60 minutes, by the end of which the sissies were strutting quickly. Ms. Hardbody slowed the machines to a stop and Brenda released them from their bonds. “Very good, darlings,” Ms. Hardbody said. “Now, strip out of your exercise gear and take a shower.”


1 comment:

Sissy Discipline said...

My favorite topics!cFemale domination and sissification!