Monday, May 24, 2010

Virtual Hypnotist, continued

Thought you might like an update on what I've accomplished with Virtual Hypnotist so far. Unfortunately, today was the first time I've had a chance to play with it since I last posted about it (too much family around). But I used it twice today...the first time I worked up a session using the dominant induction and hypno-slave suggestions, along with default deepener and wakening.

But I realized I was unhappy with the length of some of the pauses in the induction (too long and unnatural), so I opened the script editor and began seeing what I could do. I changed many of the line breaks in the middle of sentences into pause commands and got a much more natural effect to my ears. I have now saved that as a separate induction script.

I'm going to keep working with this session for a week or two...hopefully concluding with doing a few trances while cross-dressed. The next step after that will be to start working on a feminization script, as I determine what it is I want to accomplish.

That's the hard part, actually--without a physical "mistress" around--post-hypnotic triggers of the kind I use in my storie aren't much use...and I'm a little wary of just post-hypnotic suggestions for fear I'd wind up reacting to them in inappropriate circumstances (although those with more knowledge of this tell me it's unlikely). I'm thinking in terms of starting with weight loss...and tying it to my need to look more feminine in my photos. If any of you have thoughts on the matter, I'd love to hear them.

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