Monday, January 1, 2007

...A Very Good Place to Start..."

"Let's start at the very beginning...."

I do not recall the exact day...or even my exact age...when I first realized I was intrigued by the idea of dressing and acting like a girl. And when I first realized I was turned on by the idea of being hypnotized. Or when I realized the biggest turn-on was the two combined.

But I do know what started it: A Mighty Mouse cartoon entitled "Svengali's Cat". For years I searched the web looking for someplace to buy it or see a snippet of it...and last year, I lucked out. Here's the relevant section:

I still get a hard-on during that make-up sequence, especially when he uses the paint brush to make her lips so red and kissable.

Anybody else have any links to hypnotic or cross-dressing sequences (or both) in films or TV--animated or live action, doesn't matter.


Anonymous said...


Great to see your blog. I've been a fan for a long time. The Mighty Mouse cartoon is pretty wild. I can see why you liked it then (and still like it now). All the best.


Barbara_Talbot said...

Dani, I am new to blogging and just am learning with the help of my wife to voyeur from site meter who visits and from where and such. That led me to your blog. I want to read every word and follow every link, but my emotions are so raw and my time so spent in long deep G-Girl to girl talks about my feelings and my origins that I will never get around to posting if I tried (as Chatty Barbara does) to tell you what intrigued me in your blog, your story, your fantasies, and your origin, But I want to over time.

I was so touched to see that I as Barbara, was worthy of notice in such a short time. I came out to myself less than a month ago, and my big coming out plans wouldn't have happened for another week or two (if ever!!!) if my sweet wife hadn't found my make-up.

I was most touched by the link to the actual cartoon that first captured your interest. It was so poignant to have that intimate view of your genesis. It struck a real resonant chord in my heart.