Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Ladies and Gentlemen

Hannah McKnight talks about interacting with the public who don't know we're cross-dressers:

We share experiences and perspectives that our female co-workers, sisters, friends, and wives have. They just might not know it. I have listened to conversations between my female colleagues about how their lipstick wears off too quickly and I am tempted to suggest applying an eyeshadow primer before putting lipstick on, but that would raise more questions (and eyebrows) than I am comfortable with, so I keep my advice to myself.

We know what it’s like when a girl gets frustrated when a $18 pair of stockings runs. We can relate (and become a little jealous) when a girl says that her heels are killing her.

We notice subtle things, like accessories a girl is wearing, the color of her nail polish, the perfect swoosh of her eyeliner.

We understand the joy of finding a cute outfit that fits. The happiness of finding a new shade of lipstick.

I know that this might sound a little superficial, but these things make me happy, these are things I notice, appreciate, and can identify with.

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