Friday, June 28, 2024

Holly's History, part 3

The second day began with Christine escorting Howard—in a pretty pink babydoll nightie—to Madame’s office. “Good morning, sweetie,” she said as they entered. “Lie down, please,” and she indicated the couch. Once he had done so, she said, “Christine, prepare the hypnotic sedative.”

“Yes, Madame,” the sissy maid replied. In a moment, she approached Howard with a hypodermic syringe and injected him in the shoulder. “This is a drug of my own design,” Madame explained. “It will make you very receptive to my suggestions. Just lie there and feel it relaxing you, unlocking your subconscious mind to my words and thoughts.” She watched as Howard’s breathing slowed and his eyes drifted close. “Howard, do you hear me?”

“Yes, Madame,” he murmured.

“Very good. In your current state, you will find it very easy to believe everything I say. You will also find it nearly impossible to lie to me,” she continued. “You will be compelled to agree to everything I say and to follow my directions. Do you understand?”

“I understand, Madame.”

“We’ll start with something quite simple. From now on, your name is not Howard—it is Holly. You will not even think of yourself as Howard—you are Holly,” Madame directed. “Now, who are you?”

“I am Holly,” he replied.

“Excellent. Now you are married to Pamela. Are you her husband?” Madame asked.

“Yes,” Holly answered.

“No!” Madame said, emphatically. “You are her sissy wife, a pretty, feminized submissive who adores her.”

“I am Pamela’s sissy wife,” Holly agreed.

“Exactly! Now, it’s time to teach you how to think and act like a real sissy wife.” She spoke to Christine. “Get the earbuds and put them on Holly.” Once those devices were in place, Madame pushed a button. “This tape, full of instructions and advice, will repeat continuously for the next six hours. Christine, keep an eye on Holly and be sure she’s all right. The tape will run out just before the sedative wears out.”

Christine settled in to watch over her charge, checking on pulse rate and breathing. As the six hours were ending, Holly began to stir. Christine removed the ear buds and helped the newly created sissy to sit up. “How do you feel, Holly?”

Holly stretched and took a deep breath. “Just marvelous,” she replied, in a newly feminine tone—husky, breathy, and sexy. “Where is Madame?”

“She is dealing with other patients,” Christine answered. “Right now, I am to take you to your room. Your training and transformation will continue tomorrow.”


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