Monday, June 24, 2024

Holly's History, part 1

“Welcome to the Feminization Foundation,” the lovely redhead began. “I am Madame Felice Fabricantfille.” She indicated the tall brunette to her right. “This is my colleague, Dr. Magda Madchenmacher.” She had a slight French accent that only made her seem exotic.

Guten tag,” the doctor greeted them. Hers was a German accent and she lapsed into her native tongue on occasion. “Why don’t you introduce yourselves?”

The female half of the couple facing the Foundation leaders spoke. “I am Pamela Stewart. This is my husband, Howard. He will only speak when I permit it. You see, we are in a female-led-marriage and have been since the day he accepted my proposal five years ago. I make all the decisions in our home and relationship and Howard is quite happy with the arrangement, aren’t you, sweetie?”

For the first time, Howard’s voice was heard. “Yes, dear,” he started. “I cannot imagine living any other way. I am far too submissive and obedient to be in charge.”

Madame and the Doctor looked at each other and smiled. “I see,” Madame acknowledged. “So, tell us, why are you here?”

“About a year ago,” Pamela said, “I began to grow tired and bored with our situation. A friend who had used your services suggested I should have Howard feminized. She seemed quite happy with the results on her own partner.”

“Are you interested in full physical feminization?” the Doctor inquired.

Howard’s expression grew apprehensive. “Oh no,” Pamela protested. “I have far too much fun teasing my little Howie’s cock and balls! I’ve been reading up on the several kinds of fem-males there can be and I believe I want Howard to become my male lesbian trophy wife—a gorgeous piece of arm-candy who shares my bed, but only in the way a submissive lesbian lover would.”

Madame smiled and nodded. “Ah, yes, we have successfully transformed several men in that way…and it’s relatively easy with drugs, hypnosis, and some minor surgery. Isn’t that right, Magda?”

Jawohl,” the Doctor agreed. She stood up and gestured to Howard. “Would you stand please?” As Howard did so, she ran her hands over his body and gazed intently into his face, turning it this way and that. “Ja, this is good material to work with. I don’t think I would need more than a week to achieve the desired end. Do you agree, Felice?”

“Oh, yes! He is already so obviously submissive that making him into the epitome of girlish behavior should be child’s play!”

“Excellent!” Pamela enthused, as she motioned to Howard to be seated. “When can you begin?”

“Come into my office and we can sign the necessary documents,” Madame replied. “Magda, you’re ready to begin tomorrow, I assume?”

“Absolutely! I cannot wait!”

Howard’s expression of concern only deepened.


1 comment:

silkteddy said...

omg !!!!! sOOOOO beautiful.....!!!!!!!!