Monday, August 11, 2008

The Ransom of Redhead, Chapter Three

With trepidation, Stewart opened the package. Oddly enough, there were no photographs this time, only a note and a small box. He read the note:
Rest assured that our little Redhead remains well, and is becoming more beautiful, more compliant, more feminine, more sissified with every day. You have already seen the results of the first two ransom payments. Now it is your turn to follow instructions. Open the box.

Shaking, he complied. As he lifted the lid, a pulsing violet light was revealed. He discovered he couldn't take his eyes from it. It riveted his gaze. Soon he forgot all about his and his companions' dilemma; the light had filled his mind. Now a familiar voice seemed to come from the box as well:

"Welcome, Glamorous Geri--your new life has begun!"


He awoke in a strange room, one that looked like the kind of lounge a hotel might keep for important guests outside a rented ballroom. He realized he was naked except for a set of feminine lingerie. There was a knock at the door and two women entered.

After a moment of shock, he realized he knew the woman in front, despite her coppery hair and the blank violet glow in her eyes, that matched the opulent earrings she wore. It was Conrad--Connie--"Redhead"!

She wore a skintight gown of blue sequins and a pair of clear plastic sandals with six-inch heels. Her walk was a sexy mincing shimmer, as the heels and the tightness of her skirt caused her to take short steps that emphasized the wiggle of her hips.

Behind was another woman, a dark brunette in a red satin sheathlike gown. "Hello, Geri," she said...and Stewart recognized the voice from the box. Another recognition then came to him.

"You're Selena--Conrad's wife!" he cried.

"Yes, Geri, darling," she admitted. "I am the instigator of these events, the transformation of my stepson, my husband and all his associates into the simpering feminine servants I needed them to be.

"You see, Geri, I set my sights on Connie not because of his looks or his wealth--although they were of great assistance--but because of the research and development your company was doing in electronic mind alteration and control. Through some carefully forged memos, I was able to get that R&D directed toward my goals. But more on that later--we have to get you ready for your debut!"

She reached into her purse and pulled out a pair of dangling earrings, each with one of those violet jewels that matched the color of her pulsating light show. Instantly, Stewart's eyes were again riveted. He felt his mind and body slacken into trance, as his eyes took on the tell-tale glowing gaze.

A short time later, a much-changed Gerald Stewart, now Glamorous Geri, entered the ballroom with Connie and Selena. The all-important earrings now hung from her ears. She wore a fuschia ballgown with diaphanous cap sleeves and a ruffled skirt that ended in mid-calf above her matching sandals with six-inch heels. Her hands and arms were sheathed in matching gloves.

The room was filled with women in formal attire. Not a single male figure was visible. Selena led her charges to the dais, where Mary Ellen, Bonnie and Audrey, similarly attired, awaited them. As Selena strode to the microphone, the room roared with applause. She raised her hands to quiet them and then spoke:

"My friends, you have seen here the beginnings of our plan--the demonstration of our ability to control the men who control business. Tomorrow, I will exact the final 'ransom payment' and our triumph will be complete!"

More to come

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