Friday, October 17, 2008

Women We'd Love to Be--Round Two, Week 10

[Sorry this is going up so late...real life--]

Buck Rogers didn't even last two whole seasons...but it remains a fixture in the minds of those who would have loved to wear Col. Wilma Deering's uniforms.


Anonymous said...

I still remember Erin from her days as a model. Burned in my mind is an image of her in a black leotard, sitting backwards in a chair, arms resting on its back, looking over her shoulder with her butt thrust provocatively toward the camera. I had no idea why my little child's dick stiffened and stirred.

With the wonders of the internet I've often thought I might someday see that picture again. . . .

Pretty Sissy Dani said...

If you ever find it, send me a copy.

Meantime, I'll keep an eye out.