Thursday, September 18, 2008

More of Lori

In the midst of "Leg Day" and its aftermath, I've been remiss in posting more of the work I've done on digitally feminizing my friend Lori.

Here's a pure fetish Lori...with a kewpie doll makeup job and much-expanded boobs.

Lori has a great love for old-time lingerie, so I knew she'd enjoy being seen in this classic "bullet bra". The face is the Liz Taylor homage seen earlier.

Speaking of homages, here's one to a classic feminine icon: the Barbie doll. The idea was to see how much I could alter Lori's face and to still maintain a resemblance to the real thing. In this, I enlarged her eyes for that wide-eyed look the modern Barbie has, and enlarged her lips as well. I also narrowed and lengthened her nose. Lori's reaction on seeing this one: "HOT!"

Having successfully done the modern Barbie, I wondered if I could do the classic original look as well.

I think this was pretty successful--your thoughts?

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